Sharp excrutiating pain shooting through my back and the rest of my body!

Feb 26, 2006 19:33

Yeah so hockey...went...well.....we killed the other team on Saturday 8-0 and I scored two goals which was pretty damn freakin we were all pumped for todays championship game against the most annoyingest New Jersey team alive...the Golden Blades...they also have the gayest name we had the [privalage to step on the ice with New Jeresy's finest douche face of a team and Lary Moe and Curly, ie. the refs!...Okay so basically these three women refs dont know anything about hockey because I am pretty sure you cannot call a penalty on a player who is currently sitting on the bench for soemthign she did 3 minutes ago AND THEN proceed to give her an additional TWO minutes because "she's been tripping the entire game" WHAT THE FUCK! So we lost 3-2 and I got check clear across a good 3 feet of ice before hitting the boards directly on my back which already hurt...and now hurts even fucking more.... GAAAF&IOGBWEJKBSDKFHJKL:DSYGJKWEBNHFYIDSHIL:GYIOWDNHLWEGHUKOEFHSDKLHF

Things to look forward to:
Greys Anatomy and thats about it.
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