Another bb's art

Sep 14, 2011 19:59

This is for samdean-otp's mini bb. I first wanted to draw it by hand, then realized I still need to practice before my art is anything decent so I ended up doing everything in digital art again!

Title: No Escape
Author: wincest_whore
Artist: siiy
characters/Paring(s): Sam/Dean, Bobby, Castiel, Balthazar, John, Ellen, Ava, Jo, Meg, Crowley, Ash, Gabriel (AKA Loki), Ruby, Alistair
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Everyone has been tricked. Dean is the anti-Christ, not Sam; Sam was always a smoke screen. Now Dean is ruler of earth and hell, he has everything he wants, except his brother by his side again. Sam is hiding with Castiel. Dean hates the idea of anyone touching Sam except him. He manages to track down Castiel and Sam and drags them back. He threatens to torture Castiel unless Sam comes back where he belongs. Prior to Dean turning evil, he and Sam were lovers but after Sam fled. Tearfully Sam agrees, and Dean does a permanent bonding ritual, but Sam falls into a deep depression. He's terrified of Dean and barely eats or sleeps. Castiel rages at him and Dean realizes he still loves Sam - would still do anything, so he brings back Castiel and allows him and Sam to be friends again, but with certain rules. As Sam begins to become himself again, and opens up to Dean again, Dean and Castiel realize Sam needs them both and isn't complete without either, so they agree to share.
Warnings:hurt!Sam, bottom!Sam, torture, abuse, slash, wincest, obsession, rape/non-con
Notes: This was so much fun, when the summaries went up I was like "ok, don't just pick any story !" and I was ready to go through the list, and I just finished reading two and gotten onto #3 and... I JUST HAD TO PICK IT !!!! *_________* sdkghdfhg I was like, my plan, nooo ;___; but I didn't regret it !!! And to my big surprise it was someone who was as much of a bottom!Sam fan as me - what more can I ask for ?! :D This was so awesome to do ! I enjoyed doing art for this story \O/ I really love this story and it was an honor to have worked with wincest_whore !
EXTRA NOTE: These two wallpapers are of two scenes in the fic !!!



**Slightly altered version of this banner here

Chapter dividers:

graphics: wallpaper, fandom: wincest, graphics: gifs, graphics: exchange, posts: public, graphics: icons, graphics: general

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