Can't touch this

Aug 20, 2011 20:23

k, so, my hair, uh, ...I somehow like it but it's also pretty much THERE and IN YOUR FACE y'know but .. it also .. suits me ? D:?

So I came home after working from 9 AM till 5 PM and not having a good night's rest thanks to the little shit next door crying in the middle of the night - and thanks to Gypsy wanting attention at 6:45AM in the morning and stealing 75% of my bed and almost falling asleep during work - took a bath [almost fell asleep trolololol] and before dinner I ~SUDDENLY~ see my favourite mail lady, with a box in her hand and I rush to the door and I'm like "HIIIIIIIIII!!!" and she's like, "HAI GURL" LOL and handed me the box [OMG NO CUSTOM FEE PEOPLE !!!!!!!!! NO CUSTOM TAXDHGKADSHNF] and I saw her notice my hair but I was already closing the door haha XD


My Hakuouki merchandise from Comiket 80 !!!!!! omg it took 4 days with airmail e_e EMS TAKES 2-3 WEEKS SAFHKDJFNDKGJDF NO LOGIC !! DX

OMG I GOT A FAAAAAN !!! AND ONE FROM SANOSUKE /CAN'T BREATHE OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG .. I thought of bidding on a Heisuke/Okita fan but .. after this ? NO WAI - though I wonder..WOULD THERE BE KAZAMA FAN ? *_*

Oh and there be school merch, pencils, eraser, etc :'D A BAG [LOL] and a book ! With small comics of various games the makers of Hakuouki made ! [uhm as in producers @_@] and a Saito card D: what am I with a Saito card, I mean, it's no use unless you have the complete set e_e

Other side of fan O:

2 pencils, an eraser and a thing idkit'sname to see how long something is @_@

To keep your pencils and stuff in... Oh yeah I totally bought this for my new school year 8D *SHOT* <3333

EEEEE so awesome *___* It's comics of various otome games and I'm loving it !!! ESPECIALLY THE KAZAMA/CHIZURU AND SANOSUKE/CHIZURU *___________* oh and the other comics of other games :DDD

Inside of the book ! O: It's all coloured ! Uh, this is from one of the games :'D

When opened the notebook /o/

A clearfile ! :D

and a poster I received /o/

This is the first part of C80 ! Second part is still in proxies hands ): Damnit ! Sorry cappuholic

games: hakuouki, fandom: convention, posts: public, personal: pictures

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