behold!!!! safjskdhfd

Jun 01, 2011 21:32

Holy shit it still arrived today ;_; It was 8 PM and I suddenly heard a "hello" coming from outside [and I had already accepted that she wouldn't come anymore..] AND I SAW MY MAILLADY STANDING THERE! She always brings my packages :DDD So I jumped off my chair and went like "YES" and she laughed.

Went to grab my wallet, went to the front door, accepted a 7,8KG box of her [lol that box is just as heavy as Rusty used to be...] put it down and want to pay her ON TOP SHE SAYS "no you don't need to pay" ;_; I'm liek "I love you" and she laughed XD

8 books are missing as they have NSFW covers and my grandma looked with me when I took pictures so I couldn't really put down covers with women covered in semen+nekkid boobies lol :'D I'll take a pic of it later and post it tomorrow /o/

THE BOX ! Surprisingly .. small, compared to my previous order of Mai. I only bought doujinshis this time and a couple of games so nothing with a weird size but it weighted more than my previous box ! :'D

Opened the box.

Took away the first 2 packages :'D

Trololololololol. Packages spread over the floor.

1 Hakuouki game and 4 [5?] games of a hentai artist.. trolololol also some small artbooks :D Those are a pleasant surprise ! I went through them quickly [as you can see the covers are NSFW..] so my grandma wouldn't take notice >_< LAME THING IS: they're all for VISTA and lower... So no Windows 7 *facepalm* meaning I can only play those games at my mom's place |: I didn't see it sooner..

The Calendar and flyer I received with this order's Hakuouki game which I didn't get when Feikoi went to pick it up for me. I'm selling the game + one page comic. Also has a present of Mai with it, a card holder, and a Prussia keychain.

Prussia keychain :DDDD

Calendar of the game.. Little disappointed as I expected it to be new images but besides the first one and last one nothing is new D:

THIS thing costed me quite a lot x_x 2,500Y I was like, wtf why so costly rite - well that's what happens when you have 408 PAGES and TWO anthologies in it !

It's in surrounded by a case man !!! :D it's not of strong material or anything but it's still speshul ! I think these 2 babies are my pride and joy XD

IT ALSO has Blacksheep Presents Belgium/Romano story !!!! I kind of regretted buying it since it costed a lot + I wasn't up to date with Blacksheep Presents work but .. after seeing it now ? I'm not letting it go *_*

Whole pile together lol

A lot.

Only Supernatural doujinshis... And they're copybons too. I fought with arachne13 over 2 of them x_x it costed me a LOT in the end but I got free shipping on top of that :D [from the one who I won it to Mai] THEY'RE SO CUTE !!! I will scan them since they're easily bendable/won't damage too much and I have off tomorrow and friday so yay XD!

My Hakuouki doujinshis :D On top of that the 3rd one I have double AND the 5th one is novel only *facepalm* BUT IT'S from my favourite artist :D Also 2 Kazama/Chizuru porn doujinshis \O/ Rest is by Kanade :D

All Germancest besides the first one - I've been dying to get my hands on VM500's stuff but she always couldn't make it on cons I wanted to order from her SO I bought this book which is a collection of all her works :D The rest is just Germancest porn /o/

1st one is Romano/Belgium - THEY'RE GOING TO MARRY LOL X_X THEN is Nagonago's MPREG story !!!!!!!!! eeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! HAVEN'T READ IT YET BUT I ALREADY LOVE IT LOL! Then a shota one :D I love Shota so much e_e It's with Teutonic Knights/HRE :DDDDD Then some other books /o/ The last one is a SM book lol idk what to think of it.. Haven't read it yet.

Been a while since I bought any of 88's books.. I COULDN'T RESIST when I saw a neko-Germany AND a doujinshi with 2 Ludwig's and 1 Gilbert x_x Then 3 of CKA and 3 of ..erm that one artist? LOL idk her name @_@

TROLOLOLOLOLOL WHAT'S THIS ? HENTAI ? CODE GEASS ? Some unknown serie idk ? LOL YES XD They're al by Kurimomo and I've become a huge fan of her art and I'm trying to get ALL her doujinshis ! From Code Geass to P4 but some are damn pricey D: Most of these were of decent prices but other ones cost more @_@;

AAAAAAAAHHHHHH MORE HET - 1 Bleach [Ulquiorra/Orihime with a threesome of the 3 versions of Ulquiorra+Orihime trololololol?] and 3 Reborn with 6996 [Mukuro/Chrome] I am such a fan of this persons art x_x I have 2 other doujinshis by her and I ..finally gave in to getting her books @_@ I still want her other books but some of her books are being sold for 2,500Y while they only have 28 pages D:

WOW - a long post with 51 products in total X_X I still have to post a picture of my porn doujinshis but will post those tomorrow :] I'm so effing excited, when I go upstairs I will glue myself to these books !!!!!!

community: lj cut, anime: hetalia, fandom: wincest, posts: public, personal: pictures, fandom: doujinshi, games: hakuouki, fandom: germancest, anime: bleach, friends: arachne13, fandom: mpreg, fandom: porn, serie: supernatural, fandom: nejineji

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