Mai's Hakuoki package :D

Apr 23, 2011 18:11

My package arrived from Mai /o/ Again, customs didn't keep it for 3-4 weeks and I didn't have to pay customs tax, I asked the lady about it and she said "it really depends on the person who's working at that time, he/she decides whether to keep your package/put customs tax on it or let it pass" e_e unfair, really.


LOL XD Look how big man :'D

This is all the stuff that was inside:

AND YES, I HAVE THE..DAKIMAKURA [aka pillow sheets] FROM KAZAMA/OKITA /o/ eeee so happy XD I also have..3 artbooks of Hakuoki and 3 calendars [LOL I thought one of the calendars was an artbook too :'D] 2 calendars of 2010 and 1 of 2011. Then I have a bunch of doujinshis [I can't believe I accidently bought 2 double e_e], some candy from Mai, the special OCF of Kazama but in his Demon form so with white hair/yellow eyes/horns :D Then 2 mangas that make a unite... Which I found is just 2 anthologies [just only official and not fanmade] and I recognized 3 of my favourite artists XD AND the other 3 games of PRCR which are poooooooorn too /o/ can't wait to play them !

Everything unpacked :]

Meanwhile I'm trying to look into everything Gypsy is trying her best to get into the box... *facepalm*

And then I decided to put the box away from her :'D

Kazama out of the closet box :D


MY PRIDE AND JOY AND MY FIRST PILLOW SHEETS :'D I can't wait to use them !! I'll have to wait till June though since I pre-ordered that other pillow and it'll release in June :'D

These are my PRCR games /o/ Fanmade and my favourite will probably the one with Sanosuke in XD They're all 3 R18 :D

So the box's gone so she's trying to look UNDER the stuff :'D

Argh she even clawed at my Kazama pillowcase >_< It was covered in plastic but yeah lol claws.

Here are my doujinshis :D Not as much as I often buy but the artbooks+pillowcase were expensive so yeah D: All except the 3rd one on the first row are Kazama/Chizuru :] Only the 2nd on [first row] is porn-ish e_e well the last page is porn-ish, it continues in the second copybon of her and I don't have that one yet... The Sanosuke/Chizuru is done by one of my favourite artists :]

Just.... *facepalm*

First one is Gen but I bought it anyways because it's by Kanade and she's my favourite Hakuoki artist :'D Second one is by my favourite porn-y artist :'D 3rd one is by a Hetalia artist who always does Switzerland/Liechtenstein. 4th is another R18 doujinshi XD I love those LOL, her Kazama kinda looks a little crazy-ish sometimes :'D And then the 5th is one I have double *facepalm* and the last is a Sanosuke/Chizuru doujinshi which is so cool XD They're making out in the nurse's office and the nurse [I cant remember his name, I dont like the guy LOL] has headphones on and is't listening to the noise XD Sanosuke is a teacher and Chizuru a student and when Sanosuke's hand goes under her shirt/touches her bra Chizuru slaps him hahaha :'D

YES MY FIRST R18 SANOSUKE/CHIZURU DOUJINSHI !!!! /o/ Will probably be my only one too LOL Then 2 CUTE Okita/Chizuru doujinshis, this artist is so awesome :'D Her Okita is so cool and totally not respecting Hijikata/teacher haha XD And under them are 2 more Kazama/Chizuru doujinshis.. The left I also have double *facepalm*

First 2 are series I don't watch but the artists who drew them are in my favourite list so.. I bought them :'D Idk I think the first one is a "Tales..." doujinshi and the second one a .. that manga/anime serie with all those guys playing music in a school and one girl who meets that fairy thingy e_e AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, SD Home I FINALLY HAVE IT !!!! Man Akino missed it and bought instead 2 J2 LOVE DDDDDD: And they were sold out on that event too man so the only chance of me getting SD HOME was through Yahoo Japan D:

They asked such high prices for SD HOME man it was unbelievable D: In the end I paid ..€15 [$20/2,000 yen] for it but yeah I have it, which is the most important :')



Stay tuned for the next time.. After SCC20 probably unless Akino already bought the Supernatural the Animation DVD box/Hakuoki merchandise and sends it out now :'D Or my box of Hobby Search with the OCF of the first generation of Hetalia arrives :'D

No Germancest this time XD Will change with my next package from Mai though.

community: lj cut, fandom: wincest, posts: public, personal: pictures, family: gypsy, actor: j2, fandom: doujinshi, games: hakuouki, serie: supernatural, fandom: nejineji, fandom: porn

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