Cwt26 part 02 !

Feb 04, 2011 21:41

I was like, poking grandpa and pestering him a little and suddenly he said "I'm going to get you" for me being annoying :'D I was like "WTF DID I DO" cause I only laughed at him and then grandma walked towards us with her plate and he whispered "there's a package for you on the stairs". So instead of "I'm going to get you" he said "your package's on the stairs" YES IN DUTCH IT SOUNDS VERY ALIKE - especially when it's whispered e_e


We ate steak which was delicious but I hardly could eat the potatoes :( I had them with apple sauce which is disgusting so it took me a long time to shove it down my throat.


Two of these are pretty angsty and I might think to sell them cause of it D: There's only one top!Germany in this collection so I'm SUPER happy ! \O/ SO FACT: Most Chinese prefer Prussia to top while the Japanese prefer Germany to top. Brb stickin' to the Chinese camp LOL.

On the first row, the third book is all about The Iron Wall. So is the one on the second row, the first book. DUUUUUUUUUDE THE ART IS SO EFFING PRETTY IN ALL THESE BOOKS e___e; So pretty I took pictures ! Also as you can see I got my second copy of Viva La Fifa from Ruby, which I'm planning to scan ! I also have Maid Diary from Ruby a second copy which I will scan too for psanon

The fourth book on the second row is so CUTE, because you see how Gilbert raises Ludwig from a baby up until the age he is now. BABY!LUDWIG IS THE CUTEST THING EVER. Just ask Francis and Antonio HOHOHOHOHOHO~

[the ones that are angsty is first book and last book from the first row. The Chinese have a thing for The Iron Wall man, I'm telling you, THEY LIKE ANGST e_e]

Uhm, there are two anthologies about the Iron Wall ! Ruby joined one [I kinda forgot which one LOL] and she did nazi stuff. I came. DUDE LUDWIG IS SO ... NAZI LIKE - IDK you can't get more nazi than Germany himself LOL but, seriously, she drew them so well and the pictures show such strong emotion !!!!!!

Kinda find it weird how little merchandise I got this time @___@; though I'm not complaining 8D I got special stuff from Draconian~

Images of the inside books:

Pictures of Gilbert raising Ludwig:

THESE ARE SO OMGAWD CUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE !!!!!! omg I could totally hold the book against my chest and roll on the ground with it LOL

The copybon with female!Ludwig:

Her angst book [I only took pics of the best part LOL]:

Uhm... From what I could get, Gilbert is a little crazy ?

^^^^^^These three are done by the same artist Mirror Seven !

From Chawanmushi's book: The one with Gilbert having wings ! [the other angst]

Ruby's Maid Diary:

Ruby is so effing filthy e____e she does RIMMING and makes use of sex toy, fuck she shows a lot of fingering too XD And while Gilbert's just fucking and fucking and fucking Ludwig he pulls out the sex toy again and shoves it up next to his own cock LOL. It's a vibrating toy too ! ;) And then Ludwig goes CRAZY which is awesome man, he's so far gone ngh I love it. Also this one has a cumshot I have NEVER seen drawn before. It was hot. LOL.

Both Iron Wall anthologies...

^^ THIS person's art is so PRETTY o_o I'm serious, it's beautiful ! It has a touchy moment with Ludwig hugging Gilbert which had me feeling a little better DX The story looks pretty angsty though !!!!

From here on start's Ruby's part in the anthology, which is nazi-related ! I think Ruby did a great job and this is really my favourite part of the anthology. BESIDES THAT ITS FULL WITH ANGST and has me crying my eyes out - Ruby's part also has Ludwig and Gilbert back together after The Fall of the Iron Wall and Gilbert takes pictures of Ludwig and holds hand in public and if that aint schmoopy then idk what is LOL.

^^Here Ludwig wakes up after signing .....something for England [I think that he surrendered] and Gilbert is sitting by his bed and is just.. hurt over seeing his little brother being hurt ;___; DUDE CRY MOMENT HERE. And then I guess Gilbert promises everything will be better ? ;_; Idk dude, Gilbert, make it better !

On the left page it's current Gilbert and Ludwig walking the dog and on the right side is nazi!Germany&Prussia watching as planes fly towards... idk to bomb other places.

^^^More Nazi!Germany watching them fly.

Last two are from mirror seven e___e angst man angst, who needs that !!!!

Y'know, the Iron Wall and all, and Nazi, you'd expect Russia to play a big part but he didn't appear once in these two anthologies. [if he had the angst would have been 100000x times worse] and I'm thankful for that >_>


Also I took a picture of my collection of merchandise and all, which I'll upload to hetalia_sell and will relink it here when it's done !

community: lj cut, anime: hetalia, posts: public, fandom: scans, fandom: doujinshi, fandom: germancest, serie: supernatural, fandom: smut

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