Gift for bree-black for spn_j2_xmas

Dec 21, 2010 17:03

Title: Drowning in Memories.
Artist: siiy / kin.
Pairing: Sam/Dean/Castiel.
Rating: G.

Notes: This is a gift for bree_black who requested "Sam/Dean/Castiel" :)

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character: dean, graphics: wallpaper, photoshop: graphics, fandom: wincest, graphics: exchange, photoshop: cs5, posts: public, graphics: icons, character: sam, character: castiel, serie: supernatural

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siiy December 21 2010, 16:44:54 UTC
Thanks ! \o\

Well I first wanted to uhm have Dean's face on it too but then I found this screencap and I thought of, y'know, Dean choosing which way to go and all and and and Dean'd have to choose between those guys OR both Sam and Castiel having feelings for Dean and all.. :'D Well she didn't give me any directions except "Sam/Dean/Castiel ANYTHING" so uhh.. Yeah I went with this ? xD

Dank je ! :D


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siiy December 21 2010, 16:49:01 UTC
Thank you ! <3

Ugh text is my weakness ! :'D Picking the right lyrics/text, the font, then the right place and all D:

Haha ik kan een variatie doen en dan laat ik ze allebij zien aan die persoon :D

Altijd leuk om twee talen tegelijk typpen *____*


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siiy December 21 2010, 17:05:26 UTC
Yup Dx With wallpapers it's easier than on icons... I'm not even going to try with those >_____>;

Ah I see, I'm okay with talking english to a Dutch person and I understand your points xD I'll continue in english with you then ! :D


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