Sup internet, how y'doin' ?

Aug 15, 2010 18:32

Internet decided to take a break on me, an hour or two, right in the middle of something important >:[ smut

So I decide to watch Batman: Under The Red Hood. I could have watched Dark Angel but man despite Jensen Ackles in it, Dark Angel is so boring God I had to tie my hands up to not close the window while watching the first five episodes and now I've had it lmao.

So Batman: Under The Red hood. I was exciting to hear his voice and unf it so wasn't disappointing. Imma buy that movie when it comes out in Netherlands or Belgium, I haaaaave to have it.

I tell my grandparents I'm watching Batman :D Grandpa goes all "Batman ? Why?" well geez can't I ? I tell them it's the animation and said Jensen Ackles does a voice-over.

DUDE you HAD to see my grandpa !!!! HIS EYES almost rolled right out of his head with such a big eye roll man ! Hahaha and my grandma was just, big sigh, and I can hear her thinking don't you have better things to do, well, of course I could read porn with Jensen Ackles in it but hearin'g his voice is a little bit better.

Then when it finished, internet was back up, omgosh it could have just told me to watch Batman, no need to disappear on me to make me watch it :D

My mom's boyfriend wants his blu-ray disk My Bloody Valentine back. Nu huh, it's mine, I stole it from him fair and square, wtf does he want with a movie with Jensen Ackles in, I'm the Jensen Ackles fan, he aint >[ He said "well you watched it once what more are you gonna do with it" DUDE WTF IS HE GONNA DO WITH IT ;____; To me it's Jensen Ackles and having stuff about him. He just wants to show off his TV and PS3 to people coming over and show them the movie to brag about........ ;_; Dude no my movie, go buy another if you really want to show off !

So now he's nagging every time I go over at my mom's place, BUT HE'S NOT GETTING IT BACK /shot

actor: jensen ackles, movie: my bloody valentine, family: grandparents, photoshop: cs3, posts: public, movie: under the red hood, serie: supernatural

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