arwen lolz.

Aug 04, 2010 13:35

So I returned home on monday and found this:

190 pages and the only reason I bought this book was Belgium. Lolz. The last story is dedicated to Belgium. I wasn't sure though it had Belgium so I asked but I looooooooove the Belgium story <3 I haven't read most of the others so far.. I'm not a big fan of the allies or the Asian countries.

I put this behind cut because it has crossed out boobs and a badly drawn penis on it with a woman-that-arwen-changed-into-a-man giving a blowjob.

so as you can see Arwen crossed out her boobs and drew a penis on it but you can't really see it well :'D

Put in a cut just in case people get all ew-y over a postcard.

Also my grandparents saw the postcard. Since I was gone they were home they had to get out the post and lolz my grandma immediately started talking about this "Who would send you a porn card ???" well maybe I dared Arwen to do it lolz. Didn't think she'd do it though :'D SO ARWEN MY GRANDPARENTS SAW IT and while my grandpa might go all "ha-ha how mature" my grandma was freaked out.

I send Akino my order. Belgium doujinshi. Another Belarus/America (idk why don't ask) and uh the rest Supernatural doujinshi's. Told her I wanted moar Supernatural but it all depends on the people attending D:

community: lj cut, posts: public, personal: pictures, wtf: general, friends: arwen, fandom: doujinshi

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