Screw you Belgium.

Jun 13, 2010 09:36

I am so fucking pissed right now.

Today the people of Belgium have to vote for the government. In Belgium it is by law that you have to vote, it's a must - people who do not vote are breaking the fucking law. Of course, this comes with punishment, mostly paying €200 to the government/law.

This isn't the same for The Netherlands. People who don't vote goes directly to the biggest party in the government.

Now I know voting in either Belgium or Netherlands doesn't matter shit - the politics do whatever the hell they want without giving a shit about it's people's needs.

Netherlands doesn't want to be a part of the Directive European Union in 2005, fine, a year later Netherlands still joins the Directive European Union laws WHILE CLEARLY THE PEOPLE OF THE NETHERLANDS ARE AGAINST IT.

This is the same for Belgium, we don't have shit to say - we get to vote every four years or SOONER since Belgium politics are fucking childish and our government falls every so often.

Now Belgium's government fell a couple of months ago. AND GUESS WHAT ? I'M OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE ! So I'm fucking happy; I get to make a difference - which isn't really that much of a difference... - and vote, vote dude I've waited so long for that.

Turns out, today Belgians have to vote.

Turns out, me and my grandma didn't receive our pass to go vote in Den Hague (which is linked to Belgium, kthnx)

Turns out ? My mom emailed me saying only people living on Belgian GROUNDS have to vote.

I am so fucking pissed man, I don't get to vote in Netherlands cause my pass says "Belgian" and when I can vote SOMEWHERE - like my own fucking nation - IT TURNS OUT I HAVE TO LIVE THERE TO VOTE. This is the first time this happened - my grandma has lived for 13 years here and she always got her letter ! She always voted ! And now when it's my chance to vote "yeah, sorry, you aint as important as the people living in Belgium" dude the hell. Seriously, a slap in my face.

Screw you Belgium, I've had it with you.

country: netherlands, fuck: general, person: ranting, country: belgium, posts: public, politics: general

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