May 15, 2010 20:56
I just watched ten-eight episodes of Supernatural all ranging from 38 minutes to 42 minutes. My ass hurts. My neck hurts. I'm way too hot and it's not thanks to the porn and I am disappointed with Supernatural.
The best thing about season four ? Yeah that's Castiel (and Uriel) and Chuck allright, and I know in season five Gabriel and Michael (what about the other two Archangels ?) appear, and I can't wait to see that, but, the angst ? Dean and Sam going up against each other like their last 30(26) years have been nothing ? Like they weren't there for each other ? They just threw that away ?
Dude, broke me apart allright. In the end, around episode 21 it got old that they always fight, and I don't like them fighting before the wincest started, I've always liked how they could rely on each other y'know, they were each other's saviour and then Dean goes to hell and Sam screws a demon and trusts a demon more than his own brother ?
I am disappointed in season four and if I had known this big hit thing ? I probably would have never started season four. I mean, season one and two and three they were all about the-monster-of-the-week and sure season three was with Dean dying and I didn't like that and wish they could go on and on and on and on forever.
So now I'm going to download season five. Just hope I can download all episodes on the website I've downloaded season 2/4 of. Shit I just hope the links from episode 16/22 of season five are up on it cause I don't wanna watch it on youtube and I'm sick of being spoiled on the supernatural comms.
And thanks to some icons and videos posted already I'm pretty sure the last episode of season five is going to be so fucking angsty that I'll rip my heart out.
God what is it with this world and angst ? Is it so much asked to not angst so much ? Really ?
Also, dude, Castiel totally has the hots for Dean, I mean, it was already pretty obviously but the last episode totally proved it and God man Dean if you do turn gay, go gay on your brother, you owe us that :'D
person: ranting,
posts: public,
wtf: general,
character: castiel,
serie: supernatural