May 31, 2006 16:07
Now im not dissing livejournal, but it seems more or less like a fake sympathy card. None the less so does every online teen site. But i feel like on these blogs, if you say " oh i had a bad day" millions of people will be like wow her life sucks. No, my life doesnt suck, and im sure yours doesnt ither. OKay, sure i totally hate some people, but why not? i cant impress everyone. its not like im going to distraught myself over them, so dont expect me to. Yah, im thinking this might sound mean but im making it clear to some people. Stop asking me stupid things, you know the answers, if i dont respond to you once i most likely wont the sencond time. I guess you can consider this mean, but im honestly not a mean person, it takes a lot. I dont want sympathy, im far from that.Also, its like if you post something, every single person will ask you about it, including those who dont know you. Make me laugh, not be upset, yah know? common sense people.Oh and for one more person, maybe this will answer your question... i love my friends, they are amazing, and no i would never trade them for the world, they are so supportive and kind hearted. Congrats to them for graduating, and keep '07 in your hearts hahaha.
oh yah, and my friends...are wayyyyyyy BETTER THEN YOURS.
i hope this suits your lousy needs,thanks guys.<333333333ashley