May 31, 2003 01:36
i bleached mi hair.. its pretty white. it looks thinking of putting blue streaks in it or sumthing.. its getting boring and i dont wanna cut it.
joels show tonight was kinda a bust. crappy venue. but our peeps showd up so thats kewl. i saw that guy again who looks just like stamm. it makes me kinda miss the guy:/
anywho.for the past three days iv been real down. the modeling thing i was gunna do went through a while ago, but i was upset about it. but resently mi friend susan got a kik ass modeling job within kinda the same company...and it got me jelious.. shes pretty...but how come i couldnt do mi gig :( and i found out i could get another type of modeling job if i wanted.. but i cant simply for the fact that i dont have any boobs lol. and im not getting a boob job. it fucks up your insides man.. so thats out and its kidna got me bummed.
and the other thing that always pulls and naggs and bites and makes razor cuts in mi heart been bugging me again. more so than normal. and theirs jack shit i can do about it .. cuz iv tried and tried to make things better but they wont have it..and it makes me sad and cry.. pathetic i know. but it does..people dont realize that i do love them and when i say it and intrust you with mi feelings and shyt and say. ''so and so , i love you'' that i mean it and no matter what happends i will always love that person.. but they wont have it.. and try to make me mad and are crule and unkind and try to make me hurt.. they dont by what they say.. i just hurt cuz of what iv done and that its MY FAULT they hate me in the first place.. but theirs nothing i can do about it now..other than still say i love them. and wish them the best.
world>lauren ....