Viagra, women, and antidepressants

May 24, 2011 07:05

Depression is a surefire way to kill your libido. Treating depression with antidepressants is also a surefire way to kill your libido. Initially, patients may be so relieved to no longer be depressed that they are willing to give up their sexual interests for the medication benefits. After awhile, however, the increased pleasure in life and relationships makes intimacy issues unacceptable.

Doctors at the University of New Mexico wondered if phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (aka cheap viagra, cheap cialis, or Levitra) might improve the sexual outlook for women whose spirits have risen on antidepressants even as their libidos have fallen. Viagra and company are known to lift certain parts in men on depression meds.

Over a period of 4 years, they randomized 98 women whose depressions AND sexual interests were completely squashed on serotonin reuptake inhibitor type medications. Taking no one's word for granted, they not only followed up the women's sexual activity event log, but also administered the Clinical Global Impression function scale, the Female Sexual Function Questionnaire, the University of New Mexico Sexual Function Inventory (female version of course), AND the Hamilton Depression Rating scale (just to make sure no depression was creeping back in the picture).

The women on the real deal Viagra sent their Clinical Global Impression sexual function scale soaring to nearly double the levels of their pre-treatment activity. They also improved their scores on their Sexual Function quizzes. The investigators do note that this study selected for a group of women motivated to improve their sexual functioning and relationships, and therefore the findings might not be generalizable to all women experiencing such troubles while on antidepressants. It's also possible that filling out forms and quizzes on sexual functioning might enhance sexual interest.

I find this study particularly interesting as Viagra-like drugs work particularly well in men through the promotion of blood flow into certain parts that must be engorged with blood for proper sexual functioning. It is encouraging to find that the medications can increase interest and activity in women whose sexual response is less dependent on the localized pooling of blood.
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