Mouthy OIive

Jul 13, 2009 20:19

Le sigh. Update first thing tomorrow morning, likely. Various setbacks today included: Photoshop installation taking longer than expected (new version), and the kitty kitty wanting to help with EVERYTHING, resulting in me putting her off the work table every ten or so seconds. Like I said, she wants to be all up in my business, all the time. Plus, she's getting really vocal and will have meow conversations. This particular meow means: "I am tired but you haven't played with me in, like, an hour and thus I am showing you my displeasure." She is getting so big, so FAST.

Back to photoediting I go.

ETA: How fucking cute is this reminder email I got?

Dear Olive,

Your wellness care is important to us and your human companion. Please let your caretaker know that you are due for the following important health services:

FVRCP Second Vac 7/28/2009


Dr. Zumpano and the staff of Pikesville Animal Hospital


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