Hitting the ground running

Jun 09, 2009 08:36

Apartment search

Bookmarked 10 apartments complexes in the Mt. Washington/ Pikesville/ Owings Mills that are in our price range. We're looking for two bedrooms; one for a bedroom and one for a studio. I'm calling up a bunch today to arrange visits this weekend. Jason wants to be moved out ASAP, but is too busy with the All Encompassing Project to do any searching, so I'm doing the legwork on this. I think he'd settle on a place tomorrow if he had the time. Makes sense... there's no real hurry to get our stuff out of our current living arrangements, allowing for a very gradual transition, but we do need a place to call home base and raise our four-legged children. So, soon.

ETA: we have appts. to visit four different apartments on Saturday. Whew. Full day.


Looking for a part-time job to supplement income. It'll pay for a hike in rent and help with the wedding. After that, it'll help me start to save for a car. Not looking for anything major... I'm gonna see what's out there administratively but also try Trader Joe's and such.


Growing at an exponential rate. Olive is getting long and slinky. Squeaky is getting bigger but not too much longer; he bounces around like a bunny rabbit. They're very active in the morning and very chill at night. Currently they're playing a game of Hide And Go Pounce with one another. We're getting to the point where it's time to teach them not to scratch the furniture-- they're starting to do the reflex kneading thing. We're not having them declawed, and we've already got a scratching post rubbed with catnip. We're getting one of those big cat towers next month when they're big enough to climb one (and we have the room). We might even make one... I have a big old carpet that'll get dumped if it's not scrapped. We're also going to try a combo of bitter apple and double-sided tape to discourage couch and bed scratching. If that fails to work, there's Feliway. And clipping their nails when they get a bit bigger. They'll get the hang of it eventually.


Meeting parents for $$$ on Sunday. Putting a few deposits down next week, and then we have to find a reception spot. The rest I can handle until Jason has a few more brain cells to spare (ie, his project is over).

So yeah. I have a really full plate right now. Especially with a vacation June 21-26 down in the Outer Banks. Jason so needs it, I think he's on his last ounce of patience right now with this project. He hides it pretty well, but I can tell that he's very, very stressed. I am so sorry that I won't have a whole lot of hangout time in the next few weeks. I'm going to try to drop by the RSC this weekend, but June is pretty much hosed for me right now.

omg getting married, work, kittens, j

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