Jan 06, 2014 09:53
I have the ick. Specifically, some sort of virus that's affecting my throat and the lymph nodes in it. I don't think it's bacterial, like strep, based on a visual inspection, so for the time being, I'm just going to rest my voice and drink lots of warm liquids. Otherwise, I feel pretty okay, but it's just annoying and limiting. I have lots of delicious cheese in my fridge that's not getting eaten until the ick departs.
Aside from that, I can't do much work until my supply order comes in with stuff for this month's custom pieces and new sterling. Should be here shortly, but until then, I'm twiddling my thumbs. I have to pack a few orders, and I have to do a preliminary swatch for a custom order, but that's it. I may do swatches for the beauty blog, since I have lots of things to swatch. While I feel like ass, I look okay.
Nox had his 1 month post-chemo checkup. He lost 2 oz, but is otherwise doing really well. The vet suggested we supplement him with Innova dry food if he'll eat it, which is iffy. He seems to respond best to puree textured at the moment. But his bloodwork looked good. So there's that.
Anxiety continues to suck. Grief is continuing to sneak up on me, particularly at night. It's all part of the process, I guess.