Dooooooouche ahoy

Sep 10, 2012 20:13

So tired of derailing douchenozzles.

I swear to christ, the next guy who says "but men are sometimes falsely accused of rape" or "but all men aren't creepy assholes!" in a discussion of systemic sexual assault that actually exists and happens to damn near every woman ever, I am going to force-choke that fucker through the internet. I don't have the patience anymore for that derailing bullshit.

And yet. And yet. It happens every. fucking. time.

And we have to STOP our conversation and coddle the precious widdle fee fees of the guy who wants to make it all about him and his umbrage.

Abbreviating "every time this very common thing has happened to me, it has come from a man" as "men" is NOT the same thing as saying "ALL MEN DO THIS." It is talking about status quo, institutionalized privilege and personal experience. There is a difference.

Repeat it with me: if it's not about you, then it's not fucking about you. But that doesn't mean it's not about a whole fuckton of other dudes. So stop derailing important conversations by making things all about you and how you're not like that, or how we need to stop what we're talking about and talk about mens' oppression instead because dudes get called creepy sometimes. FALSE. EQUIVALENCY.


christina has very strong opinions, women's voices, that p word, omgwtf

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