What it is:
For the past six years, I have done a care package swap for my friends-list. The premise is this: if you enlist, your name gets thrown into a hat. You will receive the name of one person, and someone else will receive your name. Your goal is to put together a small care package for that person. Letters, candles, incense, chocolate, bath goodies, foodie goods, craft-store finds, etc. Something nice to brighten his or her day. You might even get a new friend out of the deal.
I know I had a lot of fun last year, and we average 15 - 30 people depending on the year. This is not solely a chick thing-- every year, several dudes also participate. I try to pair dudes up if it's possible. I also tend to pair up international swappers, but I do ask if US swappers are OK with shipping internationally in the case that that is not possible.
Also note that since LJ has been slowing down, this swap is now open to my facebook friendslist. Welcome newbies. Please read the guidelines extra-carefully.
To participate, please read 'general guidelines,' then fill out the questionnaire below, sending it to sihaya09 at gmail dot com with "Care Package Swap" in your email title.
This Year's Timeline:
September 12th, 2012 -- Sign-ups close
September 14th, 2012 -- Swapper notifications
October 1st, 2012 -- The last day to notify me of a back-up need
October 15th, 2012 -- Last Day to put packages in the mail
General Guidelines:
Package Contents:
-- General price range will be $20 - $25, though if you'd like to invest more, that's fine-- in my years of running this, I'd say $25 is the average worth per package, though some people do go all out! And $20 is not a mandatory minimum-- if you're good at crafts or you have a knack for finding thrift store treasures, that's cool, too. I just wanted to give people a ballpark. Popular items in many past swaps have included: scented bath and body products (bath bombs, soap, etc), candles, stationery, yarn for knitters, fun socks, teas & coffees, and, of course, chocolate. To get a better idea of what goes into packages, check out past
Care Package Swap Squee posts.
-- Please include at least 4 items in your package.
-- Please include your name and your email somewhere in your package so your recipient knows who to thank when the package is received.
-- PLEASE read your recipient's questionnaire thoroughly. If someone has young children, use common sense, and do not send them potential hazards. Please try to put together a package that you yourself would be delighted to receive.
Shipping your package:
-- All US domestic packages MUST have shipping confirmation/a tracking number. It costs about $.85 via the USPS, and it's worth every penny.
-- Be sure to package all breakables so that they do not kersplode in transit.
-- For deadlines, see "This Year's Timeline" above.
-- Please, please, do not ask to participate if you are unsure about your ability to follow through on your end. Yes, there are generous people who will throw together back-up packages so that no one gets left out. No, that does not mean that it's okay to flake. Please note: October 1st is the absolute last date to tell me that you need to bow out, and in bowing out, you are saddling someone with the responsibility of putting together your package. You will not be eligible to participate in future years. (This is very rare, but still worth saying.)
Admin Stuff:
--If you need a quick link to the Care Package Swap tag, where all information resides, please
bookmark this link. (Note: I have made all non-squee posts from past years friends-only in order to streamline for newbies.)
-- I try to run a tight ship- there will a check-ins near the mailing deadline that I expect you to respond to. I also post a thank you/ squee thread for those who wish to gush about their package (although you should also personally email your swapper with a thank you). If you don't have an LJ account, that's okay- you can post comments to LJ using facebook log-ins (anonymous commenting is off, though).
-- If you are specifically concerned about something (a past package, sharing your address, etc) but would like to participate, please let me know. I will do my best pair you with someone I can personally vouch for to help avert any potential problems.
-- If you have ANY questions, please email me at sihaya09 at gmail dog com.
Got it?
To participate, please fill out this questionnaire and send it to sihaya09 at gmail dot com, with the subject line "Care Package Swap."
Part 1: The Basics
Livejournal Name / Facebook Name:
Preferred Name:
Email Address:
Mailing Address:
Willing to ship internationally?:
Young children?:
Spiritual orientation (or lack thereof):
Favorite Holiday:
Part 2: Bath, Body, & Home
Scents/notes/types of smells that you prefer:
Scents/notes/types of smells that you don't like:
Hair type:
Skin Type:
Other things to avoid:
Favorite bath/beauty products:
Do you have a bathtub and/or do you like to take baths?:
Favorite bath/beauty stores, online or otherwise:
Do you burn candles/incense?:
Do you have a wax tart burner?:
Part 3: Wearables
Jewelry - What tones of metal do you like to wear?
Do you have any allergies to specific metals?:
Pierced ears, stretched ears, neither?
Preferred necklace / bracelet / ring size:
Favorite stones?:
Part 4: Edibles
Favorite foods/drinks/snacks:
Other food allergies or restrictions:
Part 5: Hobbies & Interests
Favorite colors:
Favorite styles:
Things you collect:
Favorite music:
Least favorite music:
Favorite movies:
Favorite TV shows:
Favorite magazines:
Favorite authors/genres:
Least favorite authors/genres:
Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet:
What other interests/hobbies do you have? (IE, comics, fashion, dancing, gaming, knitting, etc.):
What things do you like to do to relax?:
Part 6: Etcetera
Wish lists (amazon.com, etc):
Is there anything else your swapper should know?:
Is there anything else that *I* should know?:
* If there are questions you don't feel comfortable answering, feel free to omit them.
I will assign swappers/swappees and mail you your recipient's questionnaire. I will also keep a list of swappers/swapees, so if someone doesn't send their package, I'll know, and will find some way to compensate. Like I said, this is very rare.
Everybody, have fun!