Spoutwood Sunday Quicknotes

May 06, 2012 20:26

-- LAVENDER CUPCAKES from The Busy Bee. I had one. It was amazing. I want to write it sonnets.
-- I got an amazing sari-fabric bag from Father Dunn for $20. I also bought some soapy things that smell great and tea (Lavender Caramel, Faerie Dust (with edible glitter pearl), Creme de la Earl Grey, and Lemongrass Mint. Because yum. Resisted an elven pottery mug. Might have it shipped at a later date.
-- I also bought a parasol because I had left mine at home and it got bright and sunny and hot for approximately 15 minutes-- which was just enough time for Ann to convince me to buy a parisol because it was Christina Pink with gold filigree painted on it. The minute I paid? Overcast for the rest of the day. Figures.
-- That awful grass from yesterday? Well, a stickly prickly thing in the grass wrapped itself around my ankle and stuck me. Drew blood. I have made my ritual sacrifice to that damn grass, and now it shall plague me no more.
-- I sucessfully used a port-a-john twice, with over 40 yards of fabric on my lower half. There needs to be a merit badge for that.
-- Caught Telesma's set and watched Miss Layla Fahada dance with them. Prettiest natural smile, that lady. So jealous. Also caught pictsy dancing in the air in her silks. The little kids were so wide-eyed watching her flap her "wings" far above their heads.
-- Our set ROCKED. It just flowed so well. The crowd was giving us such great energy, and it just worked. (Also Eugenia's flamenco fusion piece with fan veil? BE MY YODA, EUGENIA FIERCE.) I duetted with Amy, which I have never done before, and it was spinny spinny spinny and though I think at times a trained eye could tell we were negotiating lead, etc, it just reinforced just how very awesome improv is. Overall, everybody brought their A game and the solos were great and and and if I keep going I'm just going to start word-vomiting love for my troupies.
-- Hi Carmen!
-- SO GUYS. THE LITTLE GIRLS MULTIPLIED. We were SWAAAAARMED with little girls after the set during the "free dance" songs. Meredith and I led a shimmy circle with all sorts of fun arms, like so:

Because bellydance makes you strong.
They were just SO AMAZED and OMG SO MANY HUGS. There was one little girl who also saw us dance yesterday that just kept running up to me for hugs. Like, I was in line for food, talking to someone and felt a WHOMP and it it was this little girl, hugging my butt. FREAKING ADORABLE. They were ahead of us on our way out, and WHOMP, hugged again. She got something like six or seven hugs over the course of the day.
-- Best question from an extremely inquisitive munchkin: "Do bellydancers have a queen?" Almost replied "yes, and her name is Carolena."
-- HOW MUCH DO I LOVE MY TROUPIES, LET ME COUNT THE WAYS. Seriously, dance sisters, I love you all.
-- Showered. So tired. So sore. But Olive gave me a billion kisses when I got home (even grabbing my face in her paws because I had the audacity to try to pull back), and I have lavender caramel tea and comfy stretchy pants and a new ep of Game of Thrones tonight. Tomorrow is a trip to the post office, then it will be bath time with epsom salts, doing a load of dance laundry, un-fucking my habitat (my office looks like a sparkly bomb went off in there), and giving myself a proper manicure. Yep.

spoutwood, dancing, pictures, transcendence tribal

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