Oct 10, 2010 00:05

We have never, ever gotten Olive to take a pill that could not be crushed up in her dinner.

We have tried EVERYTHING. Pill pockets. Butter. Cheese. We pappoose her. We pry her mouth open. We keep her mouth closed. We talk to her calmly, massage her throat, and blow gently on her nose. We have tried following with a gentle syringe squirt of water.

Nothin' doin. We just held her mouth closed for a solid five minutes, and she spat a bunch of powder back up. That's right, the outer shell of the pill dissolved, and she *still* did not get any of the meds inside.

I am at wit's end, and we just wasted a $20 pill. I don't want to try another until we get our vet's okay, because I don't want to overdose her if some DID get down. But the bulk most assuredly did not.



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