1. Fat lip is much less fat-lippy.
2. I just had my first cup of tea with the new kettle. Simple luxuries.
3. Speaking of tea, I went to
youvebeenpixied's house last night and she whipped up for me a ceylon-based spice tea for the morning. She also gave me some salve for my burned hand and a few herbs I'm going to experiment with to make an anti-anxiety tea.
4. Also in the stash of thought-lost Christmas gift cards: $20 to Panera, and $30 to Books-A-Million (which I promptly used to buy a book I've been reading that I need to have in my collection). I also found $30 to Friendly's, but given J and I are trying not to do the fried food thing and rarely go out for ice cream on account of the diabetes, I don't know quite what to do with it. Maybe I'll hold a little contest or something and give away some of my surprise good fortune.
5. It took a good long while, but we got the giant dresser of giant giantness out of Dixie's house. My old, broken futon got dumped. Now the only things to move out are a couple of odds and ends, and an old computer that needs to be wiped, then recycled. We took Kevin & Liaa out to Holy Frijoles as a thank you, and I had a yummy burrito.
6. Stopped in the new Pagan store in Hampden. Wish they'd have had a better selection of books, but with Amazon & Barnes and Noble, I can see why they'd spend more room on other things. They had a decent selection of herbs and a wonderful selection of stones. The oils section left much to be desired-- mostly fragrance or essence oils instead of EOs. Now that My EO collection has expanded to 20 (!) I'm finding it much more effective to mix my own, anyhow, so that doesn't matter so much to me. They were light on the super-fluffy spellkit stuff, so yay.
7. We found a sofa we like, and since my stepfather gets a 1/2 off discount at the Roomstore (he manages their home deliveries in this area), it's only $300 instead of $600. And it's the perfect shade of green! The new apartment is beginning to come together quite nicely!