Dum dum dum

Jul 31, 2004 19:12

Well, my computer is now dead, thanks alot all you dumb virus's for killing it, if any one has a boot disk for windows XP. thanks.

also had a fun night last night over somewhere with someone. (i didn't do anything bad, but have a deit pepsie)

also i put in a new raido into my truck but only one speaker works but as far as i am concered one speaker is far better then none.

also i picked up Swagger, by Flogging Molly, at the local Best Buys.

Cool cool, yesterday was gay, i work like 13 hrs, drove a guy to the hosiptal because he cut him self open, like good too, all the way to the bone, and there was blood every where, lol, yeah, but drove him there, and the rest of the day i spent helping Gary, the CNC guy build the cnc machine and help tune the bed to be as flat as it can be.

nice talk'n to ya floks hope to get my computer working again and i hope to see ya later
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