Concrit PLZ? *bambi eyes*

Dec 04, 2006 17:01

I've thrown myself into messing with my watercolour pencils. Unfortunately - well, let's just say things don't always turn out the way I want them to. I don't have a brilliant sense of colour, for one thing, and as soon as I venture to combine several colours, the results aren't quite what I hoped they would be. The trouble is that I'm not sure how to correct the mistakes I have made, which is why I thought I'd consult the wonderful LJ crowd, who always seem to find answers to the strangest questions :-). Please share your wisdom and help me improve!

I may have been too ambitious, picking this as a second attempt with watercolour. I realised while working that I didn't really know how to add shadows, for one thing. What colour do you mix with the violet of Tonks's clothing in order to get the right tint in the folds? Also, is there a kind of trick or a rule about which colours go together?

I suppose the greatest problem of all I have with this is the orange. I was stupid enough to think it's violet's complementary colour, but I realised later that it should have been yellow. Now I have no idea what colour to add in order to tone the orange down a little - it's far too glaring to my taste and clashes horribly with the rest besides. Any tips?

If nothing is possible paint-wise, I can always cover it with a silver pen, but I'd rather not.

Finally - I'm not sure whether it really bothers me or not - even when using paint I still depend a lot on my lineart. The trouble here is that I feel the lineart gets drowned out by the paint, and I'm in a snit as to how to remedy that. I could trace it again with a darker pencil, but I will lose detail that way because the darker pencils are less fine than my regular HB. I could also use a fine black felt tip. Would that be a good idea, or would losing some of the picture's softness be a drawback?

All advice is welcome. Thanks in advance! :-)


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