The fic meme, gacked from
hannahmarder, because it feels like the right thing to do at the start of a new year in Potter fandom:
Fics and Ficlets I wrote in 2005: 3 one-shots (The Good-Morrow, As She Likes It and Monkey Business), the first chapter of a novel-length fic (Prelude), parts of two WIPs (Art of Darkness and Purity), and part of a comic (the tentatively named Vengeance is Bitter).
Favourites of the batch:
Goodness! I couldn’t say. The Good-Morrow, if I really have to choose, because it was perfectly satisfactory and enjoyable in terms of writing, I guess; and the comic, because I still love doing it, and I feel I am making progress with my art.
Best of the batch: Um. That’s difficult for me to say… Again The Good-Morrow, I suppose - it’s probably the most artistic of my stories.
Most underappreciated by the universe: Prelude. It appeared alongside As She Likes It, which was a hit in Sigune terms at Occlumency, and I think it suffered from the competition with my one R-rated fic. It had the added misfortune of being completely demolished by canon a month after it got posted as an entry to the Occlumency Spring Faire, and it also ended up as the only one of my fics to be posted in only one archive, so I didn’t get a lot of feedback.
(Yes, I habitually post in no less than five archives, desperately angling for reviews.)
Most fun to write: The Good-Morrow, again, because it went so swiftly and naturally; and Prelude, because I enjoyed the interaction between the members of the Snape household a lot, plus I’d been struggling with the beginning of the WIP for ages and writing this felt just great and liberating.
Sexiest fic: Not a lot of choice in that department - if any at all… Does The Good-Morrow qualify? Personally, I think it is very sexy, but in a quiet and non-explicit way that probably doesn’t count at all in fandom at large.
"Holy crap, that's wrong even for you": I doubt there is much to find in my fics that calls for such a remark :-)... It’s all rather tame. For myself, I thought As She Likes It was really the limit even though it isn’t at all squicky. It’s so sharp and cruel and mean that I felt bad about it.
Fic that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Prelude and Art of Darkness. I discovered I have a tendency to like just about every character I write, which is not helpful. No really shocking shifts, though.
Hardest fic to do: As She Likes It was hell, and Art of Darkness still is.
Biggest disappointment: The excruciating pain of writing Art of Darkness - this WIP grew out of that other WIP, Purity, and has been in the making since November 2004! It’s horrible. Sometimes I wish I could just give up, but I have nice stuff that I don’t want to throw away, in quantity about as much as all my short stories together… Related to this, I hate the fact that I lost Prelude in the HBP onslaught and was robbed of my perfect start.
In terms of reception, the biggest disappointment is the fact that my last three stories did so badly at FictionAlley (I’m talking about a total of two reviews for Monkey Business *sob*), my first fanfic home.
Biggest surprise: I couldn’t believe my eyes: 8 reviews for Monkey Business at Sugar Quill! Normally they either ignore or flame me there :D. There has been a distinct rise in my ‘popularity’ (if you can ever use this word in connection with me) there lately. I’d never expected it. I’m not going to try my luck by posting As She Likes It there, though :P…
Most telling fic: Euh. As She Likes It, because it proves I can write very vituperative prose and sound like someone very nasty. I haven’t allerted any of my old RL friends to the thing for fear they might say it doesn’t surprise them at all :D.
My plans for 2006 look somewhat like this:
- finish the comic and get it sent to rufftoon by March.
- do a lot of RL work, including a Lumos paper.
- write Art of Darkness, but it may have to wait partly, if not entirely, till my RL work has been done.
That’s it, really. It looks little, but that’s because RL looms large and I’m not going to detail it here :-).