Ok, What the Funk Ever.

Jul 15, 2005 00:26

Things to note, then on to whats happening:

My bios needs upgrading, but I gotta call some assmonger at a 1-800 number.
I have a cold, and an ear infection (at least it feels like it)
I have a stomach ulscer.
And some assorted good stuff, probably not important.

The main feature:
I talked to carla tonight on the phone, she's down at myrtle beach doing whatever the hell, I don't care. When I say I talked to her, it's just that -> me talking, her listening and not a whole lot of anything else. I need to kick her to the curb. She seems less and less likey to be the person I want to be with. A big turn off for me, is that she told me that nipple piercings were hot. I said, "What the fuck." I can't stand body peircings, facial ones are ok, but tongue and lip piercings are not. Ear and nose are allright, even eyebrow, but that is as far as I'm willing to venture down peircing lane.

She's kind of boring, which my mom picked up right when she met her. I always listens to my parents now whenever they notice something about a girl I bring home. Ever since they told me alison (Blake's ex-girlfriend) was pretty shadey, I've learned to listen. My mom was like, how do you carry on a conversation with this girl? I was like: well, I don't, but I think she'll warm up to me.

She is so stuck on her friends, whom are mostly guys: Fucking wierd! Some of whom she has allready slept with, almost all whom she has made out with. I don't like it. One bit. She's not wholesome, she's not graceful, she's everything I don't like in a person. I don't know why I've spent so much time thinking that it will probably work out because in reality, its not going to.

The doctor told me, to get away from whatever was causing me to worry. It was probably Carla. I've come to that conclusion now. Because of her, I am sick again, and have had stomach problems for over 4 weeks now. Its over, there is no reason for me to continue a relationship with this girl - that is if I wasn't so desperate. I'm not talking about sexually, even though I probably am, but I'm more talking about a person I can talk to, or be with. My friends minus a few, are pretty much useless. They come and go like the wind. The exceptions being Drew Dizzle, and my roomates. Ryan Singletary and I are talking again, but other than that, I am incredibly lonely.

So, I'm going to make a T-shirt that says:

Advertising for American Girlfriend.

Passion Rules Reason - Terry Goodkind.
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