
Feb 26, 2005 02:33

It must be a cycle of the moon or something, because I've got nothing but bad vibes all day. Not just from my roomates either. My roomates girl friend, hell, even Mary was giving, me a little bit of the bad juju today.

First instance: We made characters for tiger woods or whatever that game was. I created me, Skeletone. As in my other livejournal name. I don't have to justify it to anyone. Shannon, was like, "Skeletone..." So I stated that it was my jazz performance name, as thats how the name came about (like a justification was really warranted in the first place - feel my sardonic tone). I'm was a skinny soloist for jazz sax. I was Skele-Tone. She wanted to give me hell about it, in that sort of condicending yeah, that makes no sense way. So I just sluffed it off. I was tempted to say something.

Second instance: Tony's Character: Doteboy. What kind of stupid name is that? I don't care really, so I don't make fun of it. I do however like saying it whenever his turn rolled around. Hey Doteboy, it's your turn.
If he doesn't like me saying Doteboy, why did he name his character that? It's like naming your character, "Mr. Suck" or "Prepubescent." Don't name yourself something that you don't want to be called. Its not like I care about what Tony says or does anyways. He's kind of a little kid in a 30 year olds body. He makes up stories that are totallly fabricated, and gets all pouty if you crack on him even once in jest. Even if your like, hey I'm joking around.

Example of Tony's stories:

Sig: Man, I want a cheeseburger.

Tony: You know my Dad's Step-brothers cousin, invented the triple cheeseburger. I know cause he stole my idea.

Sig: *your full of shit.

Tony: I'm serious

I mean its not like that time Pat told me his sister dated the caddie from happy gilmore. He even called her to prove it. He showed me the guys number, so I took his word for it. I mean who am I to argue. But making up stories just to make yourself sound cool, we don't need that. Just be cool, and then its all gravy.

Curtis: he's kind of super opinionated. Even when he doesn't have the facts. Examples of this would be, hearing a 5 second snipit of a song and in a really sickening tone saying something to the affect of, "Yeah you need to turn this garbage off, No offense but your taste in music sucks." Realizing that he's probably been a little too harsh, he usually tries to back himself out with, "I don't mean to sound rude, I mean, its not very good." Its hard to take the edge off something I know you really did mean to say, after the fact its said.

He cracked on Final Fantasy when I was trying to share it with him, which really isn't a big deal, I just wanted to share the story to him. I mean its a story, a beautifully written story about lovable characters. Its about relationships, between father and son. About life, and the choices we make in the name of love. All the stuff that I enjoy reading/writing about. It cuts deep when someone doesn't even give it a chance, especially when I'm trying to share it. To show them. This goes for everything. Whenever Kris Hammond comes down from nipperland, I may be a little rebukative at first, but I cave and listen to the music he wants to introduce to me. Most of the time I like it. I like to take in, to enjoy. Somepeople are naysayers. Curtis is definately a naysayer. He wanted to argue the other day that shaveing doesn't make your beard grow in thicker. Seriously.

The big picture: I usually don't care about any of this stuff. I let it roll off my back like water on duck. Just the load was really poured on today. Mary jumped in to save the day, for about an hour.

We talked about stuff, when her phone was working. Then at the end, she decided that she'd leave me on a good note. (sarcasam)

She was like, "I want to date you, but I'm not sure it would work out." She then backed up and said something about giving it a shot, she just has some wierd expectations. I said something about, how we haven't even been out and she's discounting our possible - POSSIBLE future like a fortune cookie writer, who's fumbled at his typewriter. We come from two different worlds she said. I fail to realize how our two worlds couldn't mesh for one date, and go from there. I'm not interested in getting serious with a girl, who keeps throwing obsticles in my way. I'm running a hurdle race in which new taller more challenging bars are being raised as I go.

On your marks: Get Set: GOOOOOOOOO


Bob Jones:


Anti Dating Factor Gamma:

Space Aliens Invade Earth:

Earth Saved but Muslims destroy all that is good in the name of Jihad:

Congradulations you've finished the race, but what were you running for.

Does this make any sense or is Sig just going all wierd. Is the reward worth the race.

This isn't Hebrews. Keep at it - he's worth it. I'm going to tell myself that she is worth it, but without at least one date, how can one be sure. I'm going to go sleep now, hopefully this cycle of the moon goes away sometime soon. Hopefully it gets all sorted out.
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