1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
She picked these for me:
Awww, Kate is awesome. And Drunk Kathryn Janeway is the BOMB.
halfbloodme made this and it is sooo perfect for tipsy posts ;) KJ is one of my true loves. She's just got it all - a lot of human strengths and failures in one compact body. She definitely has the best hair of all the Captains ;)
CarMac - finally they made it, despite all the hindrances they had to go through. This is a happily ever after icon made by
madzilla who is my GW godess - she's met them!!
Laura Roslin. My absolute newest awesome person. This is from a deleted scene/gag reel I think. It is a celebratory icon - sort of YESSSSSS!!!! She's just too cute in this one. Love her 'cause she's amazingly alike KJ and you know how I feel about KJ ;)
OMG - this connects to a joke from CapeColin and resulted in me not being to look at a certain crisp/chips brand without sniggering. It is a Tounge-In-Cheek kind of icon - and basically just general use when I want to be naughty. One of the newest icons I've got.
Hah, devious House is stupendous and my favourite kind of House. This is from the episode "Here Kitty" which was one of the better eps of House IMO. Sneaky icon for a sneaky person ;)