I saw both my case manager & my therapist today. I spent most of both sessions talking about what happened last week with my mum, but they still felt productive. Once my case manager can stop playing phone tag with the relevant person, I'll be starting Voc Rehab (which is basically what the name implies, preparing me for eventual employment). And I have my first family session scheduled with my therapist at the end of the month. Um, yay? My therapist basically wants to make sure my mum's not going to sabotage things as I try to become independent. (Of course, she's not going to say it quite so... bluntly.)
I managed to watch another episode of The Rose today &, wow, what a doozy. XD
Kui finds out that he is the only one Bai He is biologically related to! So what does he do? He crawls in bed with her, realises that he's truly fallen for her, and curses his luck. The two people he loves are both related to him. Of course, he's not really gonna let that stop him. I ♥ Kui so much.
I vaguely remember from when I was acquiring these that this is only the beginning of 'is she their sister? or isn't she?' drama. It looks to be one heck of a wild rollercoaster. :D
I wish it was the weekend already. I need to pull an all-nighter to get back on track sleep-wise but I can't do it during the week because I've got responsibilities, as few as they are. It's just-- going to bed before 10pm & then getting up around 6am is not my idea of a workable sleep schedule. I have shit to do & I do my best work at night. (No snickering from the peanut gallery. :P)
G'night. *pouts*