Oct 20, 2009 02:54
I've read the flist up to the 14th so hopefully I'll be all caught up by tonight. \o/ I just need to get some sleep first.
I think I solved the case of the mysterious computer noises! It was... the case. *headdesk* The last time I took one of the side panels off to fiddle around inside, I guess I didn't put it back all the way; I didn't have it in the right slot in the middle, so there was a small gap/bulge. That was causing the whole machine to vibrate, hence the noise. I fixed that issue and now it's just fan!noisy per usual. Whew!
[Watch it, either later today or tomorrow it'll start buzzing again just to spite me. :P]
DC & Mum have been watching a lot of bad interesting horror movies on SyFy lately and I've now seen the end of The Dark twice. I always end up going downstairs at around the same point in the movie and the power of Sean Bean compels me to stay until it's finished. (I finally looked it up on Wiki last night, just so that it would make sense... in case I catch it again. :P)
I finished the fourth volume of Full Moon o Sagashite last night (thoughts to come when I finish the series) &, despite my issues with her style, I think Tanemura Arina-sama is becoming one of my favourite mangakas. She's so cute! She's really into video games (like FFX) & she is/was an aspiring cat lady. (It's such a stereotype, but it seems like mangakas are really into cats. I can count at least a dozen who have written about their cats/their love of cats in either sidebars or 4-panels. ♥) I love this passage she wrote in one of her sidebars:
I had to decide between buying a house and a condo, but I bought a condo. [...] The reason is that I want to keep a cat!! I want to smile with it, be surprised by its vomit, find its litter box smelly. I want to oversee the life of a cat from beginning to end. [...] I've still yet to get the cat, but I'm looking forward to it so much that I see it in my dreams.
manga: full moon o sagashite,