[tv] blame it on the hippo

May 23, 2009 04:51

I was watching the weekly Criminal Minds rerun on A&E last night &, honest to [insert applicable deity], I squeed when Jim Beaver's name popped up in the credits. I might have even made funny noises when his character (the gruff sheriff) came onscreen.

It completely freaked my mother out. :P And I think my explanations just made it worse. 'Bobby! Baaaaah-beeeee. Bobby!' I may have even clapped a bit.

I, uh, think Jim Beaver is made of win, if you couldn't tell. XD

USA has been having a NCIS marathon & it starts again today at 9am. If I wasn't feeling pretty sick at the moment, I'd be planning to stay up all day & watch it from start to finish. I'll just be thankful if I can watch at least half of it. :/ (*whines* I hate being sick.)

Anyways, I've always liked the show well enough, but I don't know where this sudden love came from. I mean, I don't even like the American military all that much. (Combination of RL baggage & what's been happening in the news the past few years.) But I like NCIS a whole heck of a lot.

After watching 'Untouchable', I think I'm shipping Ducky/Abby a bit. The whole scene with Ducky's mum in Abby's lab -- the last 20 seconds or so, especially. XD And the way she got really upset when he called her Abigail once in anger & then there was another episode where she just wanted him to comfort her (the ep where Tony & Ziva get stuck in a shipping container). They hugged & I made even more funny noises. IDEK. I just think they're all kinds of adorable. (Yes, I'm weird. I know this. :P)

tv: ncis, tv: criminal minds

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