I enjoyed Hana Yori Dango 2 immensely. It kept me on the edge of my seat & it was definitely a wild ride. This drama is definitely one of my favourites & worthy of a rewatch (at a later time).
I've known from the beginning how the story was going to end & I am so thankful for that. There were many, many times when my heart would've broke if it hadn't been for that light at the end of the tunnel. And being spoiled didn't spoil the experience, it was always interesting seeing how Makino & Domyoji got themselves out of various messes.
The Domyoji/Makino/Rui love triangle from the first series not only intensified but it became a damn square with the addition of Shigeru. Even though I feel strongly that Domyoji & Makino are perfect for each other, many people would have been spared a lot of pain if the four of them could have just loved the one they were with. Shigeru was enough like Makino that a Domyoji/Shigeru marriage would not have been a total disaster and I think Rui would have tried his damnedest to make Makino happy. (In the end, he did -- by helping Domyoji & Makino get their happy ending.) But you just can't turn your feelings off & on like that, though I think all four of them tried their hardest to manage their emotions.
I should admit that I think a large part of my affection for Rui in the first series was simply because it was Shun-kun. I truly loved the character in HYD2. He was sweet & caring and damn-- one of the best & worst things about the love triangle (Domyoji/Makino/Rui) is that he knew going into it how head over heels in love with Domyoji Makino was & he pursued her anyways, even knowing that his own heart would likely get broken. It wasn't because he selfishly wanted her for himself but because he just wanted to see her happy.
I was a bit discouraged by what we saw of Domyoji in the first few episodes, but the old Domyoji was still in there & he did mature a lot over the course of HYD2. Being serious about the business & taking responsibility for his actions -- so many of the difficulties in his relationship with Makino came from him trying to be a responsible son & businessman, that was such a drastic change from the Domyoji in HYD. One of my favourite arcs in this series had to be the development of Domyoji's friendship with Makino's younger brother. How freakin' adorable were they?! ♥
As much as the story isn't about them, Nishikado & Akira really kept it going. I'm still hoping that Nishikado lets Yuki ride on the back of his bike someday. ;) And it took me longer than I care to admit to realise just how insane Akira's family is-- his father is the head of a yakuza family & his mother is, well,
a Lolita. What a pair! XD
This series managed to do something that I wouldn't have thought possible -- I often felt sympathy for Mrs. Domyoji. o_O I still despise her & think she's a total bitch, but you could sometimes see where she was coming from. She was watching her company crumble around her feet & she would do almost anything to prevent its collapse. Even the emotional manipulation regarding Ken was only intended to get Domyoji to straighten up & take his role in the company more seriously. I'm not saying she was right, but I can see her logic. Her behaviour towards Makino was still inexcusable & I was so pleased to see her have to make nice with Makino in the last episode.
I knew the big ending, but I was honestly surprised by many things along the way. Domyoji's nightmares about Ken were confusing at first & then everything made sense. Then Ken shows up alive & well! I did have my suspicions about Umi-chan, primarily because Rui was so annoyed with her. That was so unlike him, I knew something was up.
I really enjoyed the last two episodes, even if the storyline was so freakin' insane. :P All the homages to the first series were fantastic -- Makino reenacting pivotal moments from their relationship to help him regain his memory (that first punch, Domyoji asking her out on their first date, etc.) & then the scene in the cabin. ♥ I knew exactly what they were doing & I loved every minute of it. From using the same lines (not prescribed by my doctor, poor people are used to the cold) to OMG Domyoji's face as the memories all came back to him. My heart grew three sizes!
I'm so excited to watch the movie! I mean, I already know what's going to happen but I just want to spend a little more time in this 'verse. ♥