supernatural; provenance to devil's trap (end of s1)

Oct 14, 2008 08:13

I would be a broken shell of a person right now if it weren't for the s1 gag reel I had the foresight to include on my last s1 disc. 7+ minutes of Jensen & Jared acting like dorks will keep me from wallowing in angst until I start s2 tonight. (Also? So many icons make more sense now. XD)

119: Provenance
I agree with Dean, Sam should've married that girl. :P Sarah was smart, open-minded, and she definitely had guts; she and Sam were good for each other. And, heh, all of Dean's not-so-subtle attempts to help them get closer... he is Sammy's pimp. :P

As much as I liked Sarah, I think Sam did the honourable thing by leaving. Even though she could handle herself in 'their' (Sam & Dean's) world, I have a notion that Sam is right -- he's cursed. I've been wondering since we met Meg the first time if there is a specific reason why she wanted him to go with her. If she wasn't trying to lure him somewhere. And that's why Jess was killed, to force him to leave Stanford -- leave his home. Maybe that's also why Meg dislikes Dean so much & tried to turn Sam against him during both their encounters. It's like the YED is trying to strip everything away from Sam until there's nothing left.

Moving back to this episode, paintings that move are just freaky. :( I mean, who hasn't had the weird feeling at one time or another that a painting is staring at you or that their eyes are following you. Imagine a painting that actually moved... Gah! Though I guess if you're killed shortly afterwards by a spirit from the painting, you've got more pressing things to worry about.

I was already spoiled for the fact that the killer was actually the little girl, but it was still really creepy. I almost felt sorry for Isaiah because he had been wrongfully accused, but his spirit was weak. If his stare was the only thing that kept the girl in the painting, why did he take his eyes off her & allow her to kill? I'm only assuming that was the deal because once his bones were burned, she was free to exit the painting and openly manifest herself in our world. Hmm. I don't know, that's just my interpretation of what happened.

And, hey, I learned what the word provenance means. Another random fact to regale people my cat with. :P

120: Dead Man's Blood
Vampires! I'm a sucker for 'em, no pun intended. I liked the mythology that the show is using; with the exception of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it seems the vampire legend is getting more lenient/liberal in popular culture nowadays. Sunlight can't kill, but it's a bitch. Crosses aren't that good against them, but beheading does wonders.

I think Daniel is the first hunter outside the Winchester family that we've met, right? I had thought that we'd know more about the others this season -- heck, I even expected Bobby to show up but I guess that happens next season, right? I'm not too disappointed -- season one has set up a lot of great things and the focus on just Dean, Sam, & (infrequently) John has allowed us to get a lot more backstory & character development than we might have otherwise.

I don't dislike Sam, but he gets on my nerves a lot where his father is concerned. He's an ungrateful snot. :/ We know why Dean follows orders; 'Something Wicked' was only a few episodes ago and it explained that Dean knows that bad things can happen if he doesn't listen to his father. And I don't think Dean is a pushover or a doormat or anything; I just think that he respects the fact that his father knows more about hunting things than either him or Sam. John may not be the traditional 'Father of the Year' but he tries to keep his boys safe. He watched Mary die, he doesn't want to see it happen to his boys.

That said, it was nice to see Dean set his foot down and talk back to his father. John isn't always right, just most of the time, & I think that his hunt for 'the demon' has been so focused, so narrow that he wasn't seeing the bigger picture. He is still much more experienced than Sam & Dean, but they've grown up a lot. They've had to. I can't wait to see what the Winchester family can accomplish as a complete set.

121: Salvation
Meep! D: I think that about covers it.

Well, not really. But, damn! There was so much in the episode -- the YED finally shows his ... eyes, we met (however briefly) some of our heroes' friends, Meg is back, we get fairly conclusive proof that whatever the source of Sam's visions it's tied into 'the demon', John entrusts the hunt to Sam & Dean. :/ We also see more of Sam acting like a selfish asshole, but he's so emotionally fucked right now... I guess it's understandable, but Dean! He knows that there's a chance he'll never see his father again, he doesn't want to watch his brother die in vain.

This episode was really depressing. Seriously. All John wants for his family is for Sam to go school, Dean to have a place called home, and ... Mary. I almost sobbed my heart out during that speech.

I hate cliffhangers. D: D: D:

122: Devil's Trap
........... I really, really hate cliffhangers. D: D: D: I am so glad that I can just start s2 tomorrow night & not have to wait an entire summer like most of y'all did. I'm going to be anxious about SPN all day as it is. Going back to the beginning of the episode:

Bobby! I've heard so many good things about him, I was excited that he finally showed up.

Poor Meg. :( I think Dean was right to 'kill' her; the only other choice he had was to let her live with the demon inside &, like Meg implied while she was dying, that's no way for a human to live.

I've heard a lot about the misogyny of this show, about Dean's part in it. Does that make itself apparent later? Because I'm not seeing it thus far. Dean was contrite about hitting Meg when Bobby told him that the body belonged to a real girl who is stuck inside there. And I don't think that the fact that he hit Meg in the first place, assuming that she was a corporeal demon, was a bad thing. Calling her a bitch? I don't see the issue there either. If he tried that stuff against a human girl, yeah, I'd be kinda pissy but, not only was Meg not 'actively' human, she showed that she was more than adequate as a foe against them. (I could go on here, but that's a discussion for another more sociopolitical post.)

When Dean didn't close the trunk after throwing the Colt in there, I was betting on the fact that he was gonna be pullin' it right back out. And, for Sam's sake, it's a good thing he did.

John being possessed by the YED was a sight to behold. That whole scene was just-- finding out that Sam is definitely tied to the YED, Dean begging for John to save him as the YED was trying to kill him, John begging Sam to shoot him in the heart to kill the sucker & Dean begging Sam not to do it. Guh, the angst!

And then a motherfuckin' truck hits them on the way to the hospital. WHAT THE FUCK?! *cries*

tv: watched, tv: supernatural

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