I've done my Googling ... and it has failed me.

Nov 28, 2007 19:57

This is an odd question, but -- does anyone recognise this Bones mood theme? Or maybe know whose Photobucket account it is? (Exploring the rest of their albums, they seem to be a huge Matthew Fox/Lost fan...)

I was Googling something & found it. :/ I'd like to track down who made it to see if it's available for use. It's shiny.

Edit. carlyinrome FTW! It's by iconizethis. Now I'm off to spend an hour or so fighting with ScrapBook.

Edit II. LJ frakkin' sucks. When I went & changed mood themes, their new customisation shit stripped my metadata coding. And mintyapples is a ghost town now; I snurched the code from somewhere else, but it doesn't look right. Frak. :(
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