Are possible cast members considered casting spoilers in the traditional spoiler sense? With the summer hiatus fully upon us, there are rumours abound regarding many shows & potential new cast members. If you pay attention to the links I post & feel that they are indeed spoilers I should cut, please comment & let me know. (I'd be more upset about posting the GA/IW thing outside a cut, because it was indeed a plot spoiler -- a regular cast member not returning, but I'm not sure that it was necessary as the news was everywhere that week.)
All that said,
The Himalayan Times has an article about the possible addition of Aishwarya Rai to the cast, playing a relative of Mohinder's. (I'd say more, but that is indeed a spoiler.) They're reporting what is saying, so I'm not sure if it's valid or not -- but the possibility is interesting. EDIT. Just catching up on
ninth_wonders & it seems that
this rumour is probably false. Well, I did say I wasn't sure; just didn't expect reasonable doubt so soon. *sweatdrop*
The Trek Movie Report has
a FedCon 16 con report where Jonathan Frakes acts as awesome as ever. He pokes fun at Paramount & then gives praise to JJ Abrams, saying 'from the work that he has done & the passion that he has for the franchise & the legacy & the vision of Roddenberry that [the new Star Trek movie] will be in good hands'. (I have a Jonathan Frakes alert but not a Star Trek one. I think my bias is showing. :P)
Pop Gurls has
an interview with Chad Faust, The 4400's Kyle Baldwin. Using their warning line, 'there be spoilers'.
The Globe & Mail has an article about the Doctor, aptly titled
'The definitive Englishman, tweed coat, time travel & all'. There's a 'who's Who' refresher on the 10 men who have played him (that I don't think many reading this need, heh), a few paragraphs about how 'American' James T. Kirk was which leads into how British the Doctor is & always has been, & it mentions a few nitpicks about the casting & the effects that some critics & fans have been vocal about.
GenerationQ, a site 'for the not-so-straight individual', has a neat article about
Torchwood, 'Ten's sexy gay risk'. (I admit, I was amused by the title. Unfortunately referring to
Channel 10, instead of our Tenth Doctor.) John Barrowman is absolutely adorable in it.
ADV is having
another one of their huge sales. It ends June 18th. Along with the anime & manga, they've got Farscape, Andromeda, & Mutant X also on sale.