I got a lot of big dolls here right now!
It is wierd and funny. Skumring's Dane is visiting for a period of time, and the other day, Nina came her with her two big girls. She left them here, because she was coming back today. So, five big dolls in my house. They take up alot of space:D
Anyway, I took some pictures of Dane and some of Dagmar and Enid, Nellie's ND Belladonna. I didn't actually try hard to get these to look super nice or nothing. It is way to dark in here for pictures and I was just mainly playing around with my camera. I used the macro thingy and I also changed the colors to sepia in some pictures with it. It was fun.
Anyway, I'm posting them anyway, because I think some of them turned out kinda nice anyway. I hope you like'em:)
The wig is actually gray, and I think the color is sorta wrong on him, but I like the shape though! He looks wolf-like, which is rather fitting I think. All of these pictures are kinda blurry, but I like them, they look sort of old.
Doll hands are so pretty.
So, I took some pictures of Dagmar and Enid. They are like... Best friends or something. They look so wonderfully strange together.
In sepia, because my camera is cool. I wanted to make ALL the pictures in sepia, but my battery died so the rest are normal, hehe.
These girls are so cool, I love them both. They have this awesome look on their face like, "What do you want?", alternatively "Go away!". It amuses me.
Anyway, that was fun:)