This weekend we had a meetup here in my appartment. It was great fun! And alot of dolls (mostly because Shaded_Mazoku was there with all her dolls though). I will post some pictures from the weekend later.
Anyway, Skumring came earlier than the rest of the people, so I've been playing with her Hound, Dane all of last week xD When she left, we decided that he should stay here for a while, and she took Brynn, one of my Soulkids with her.
I have some pictures of Uma and this fellow, and she certainly doesn't seem to mind having him around...;)
The pictures turned out slightly blurry, but I think they look nice anyway. I'll be taking some proper pictures of him later:)
In other news, just before this weekend, my Notdoll Ligaya arrived! I'll be posting more of that, and some pictures later:) She has her right wig now, and she is just the cutest thing ever!