May 11, 2006 22:00
Its pretty amazing, that the only way someone knows if they made a right decision or simply by waiting...waiting for history and hindsight to judge whether we are right or not.
Frustrating, but true, isn't it. I mean even if your heart says you are making a good decision, or if your brain evaluates it being a good never know if it was the BEST of the options until time passes judgement.
This week has been ok.
--Softball practice/bbq on sunday were fun. And I got more sun. Hung out with Jakie for the first time in months and months.
--Went out for Bashar's and Paul's b-day on Tuesday to Malebox. Also alot of fun and saw some old acquaintances there as well.
--Wednesday got to grab lunch with Jon S. during the day, and hung out with Allen F. in the evening. However my allergies/cold kicked my ass and affected my sleep. Depressingly I didnt make it out for the Limo ride-party-bar hopping for Bashar. It wouldve been great to have hung out with Keith, Justin, Greg and Aaron some. Oh well, theres always next year.
Im spent!