Mar 29, 2005 16:35
sooo it's spring break. nothing really excited has happened so far. megan came home for easter so we went shopping friday and i got a skirt, shirt, sandals and kick ass shoes. then we went dtn naperville and my sister got a dress for some formal and shopped around for a while. and then on monday i went to the museum of science and industry...WOOHOO. that was bundles of fun. the only reason we went was cause of this body worlds exhibit with all these real skeletons and muscles and stuff. it was so freaking long tho it took over an hour to walk through it but it was cool/creepy. there was this skeleton with muslces of a pregnant lady and you could see the baby inside of her and then there was a man holding his skin and you could see the hair on the skin. and there was a cross section of the guy and you could see his tatoo on his arm. twas weird. the man who preserved all those bodies must be messed up! i was going to hang out with abby last night but she had to pack or something for indi. and then i had to get up at the buttcrack of dawn to get a pedicure haha and i'm getting a manicure tonight. and today consisted of nothing-ness. i haven't even showered and it's 4.43, therefor a shower today isnt in the cards lol. kailey and anna called me on thursday night when they were with keely cause they were talking about the dance we made up to shania twain in 3rd grade and it made me so sad that i wasn't in florida! and then they told me to call them if i get bored and i'm contemplating it but most likely they'll be bitches and be like haha it sucks you're stuck at home. so yeah. but i enjoyed sarah's call last night about the lover her and katie met at the airport lol. but this week has been good for one thing, feeding my obsession with watching movies. harharhar. so far i've watched 5.the incredibles, bridget jones 2, head in the clouds (DONT watch it) finding neverland and closer. wow that was very long and i have to go! peace out