Aug 23, 2006 21:48
Oh my God. I could write pages about how much I would like the throttle my photographers. And it's only the fifth day. Imagine what a whole week will do to me.
For starters, I didn't know that when we gave Hilary the job oh 'photographer' we were 'employing' her father as well. See, we are completely none-profit, but it is very much like a job. And it's a job that, although it's nice if parents are a bit involved, doesn't entail the parent being at. Like for example, I don't see why, when the tennis game I assigned her started at 4:30, she arrived at 5:15, after me (and I had been at a hair appointment prior.) I also don't get why she isn't allowed to go to events that occur on the same day as assigning. Like today, when I got the paper for the girl's soccer game. Hilary couldn't cover it because her father doesn't like her doing things the same day without asking him. Damn, well it's not like she couldn't tell him when she got home. And the game started at 4:30, she would have had time to gather her things, eat a light snack, and walk. Doesn't matter where she lived, she could have walked there in the time given. But nope. I also don't get why in 30 minutes she only took 13 pictures. I must have taken 60. I guess I shouldn't be too hard on Hilary, because her dad is practically a shadow. If she gets any grade lower than a B, she won't be allowed to take pictures. How stupid is that? Because all that is going to do is make her fail Publications. And piss me off.
For the second photographer, if you can even call him that, I say this: Go fuck yourself. He's got a camera, as he likes to show off so much, but he has yet to do anything with it. Wes thinks that because Nelson likes him, he's invincible. But I have to say, Nelson doesn't pick the photos. I do. And I assign them. And I need to know things like work schedules (even if they change every week) so I can assign things equally. So when I asked him to cover the soccer game (because Hilary covered tennis yesterday) and he said, "Ooo, I have work at 5." I was a little peeved. I asked for a schedule. He said it changes every week. I got a little shitty. I said (through clenched teeth) that he should get me a schedule every week as soon as available. The boy pisses me off. So far, in five days of class he has done nothing but attempt to order Hilary around and sit around. Oh wait, today he tried to transfer some pictures from his camera to the computer. Instead of copying the pictures and making sure they were on the computer, he just moved them, and in doing so lost four of them. Congratulations dumb fuck. I haven't taught you how to use the computer yet. Maybe you should have waited. You wouldn't have lost those photos. Idiot.
The worst part is, that I am doing all of the work. I have senior pictures to do, a ring to order, a jacket to order, german club, dance, and this. Plus school. And although I fully planned on being at everything the first two weeks, I didn't expect that I would have to take pictures. Because I figured after showing them what to do, they would do it. Well damn, I guess not. So far, Hilary and I have taken pictures of the construction going on at our school (we'll probably use my picture) and of tennis (again, will probably use my picture), and I've shot golf. I doubt we'll use golf though, because it's golf. Thank God for Joe Coombs. I would go insane without him. At least he knows what he's doing, even if he's on the yearbook staff and not mine. His editor, Sarah D has no clue as to what she's doing (and neither does her other photographer, Sarah H.) But at least I can count on Joe.
So as of now, I have one photographer who is on a lease, and one that won't get off their ass. Great.