the conversations me and eric have...

Jul 16, 2008 22:33

are pretty much insane.

case in point, we come home from blockbuster, i'm putting away the dishes in the diswasher and we are talking about the simpsons episode in which homer discusses the chili cookoff. "i'm missing it!!!"(shakes hands gleefully) eric asks me how i know what that is from and i reply "everything you say is pretty much a quote or referance to the simpsons". eric says, "i do love the simpsons, maybe i should get a tattoo". i just stare blankly and say "um, you already have one, fighting hellfish on your leg, remember?". it was hi-lar-ious.

guess you had to be there.

next, i bring down the laundry and eric reaches for a pair of dirty shorts from the pile. i'm like don't touch them, they are getting washed. needless to say, this leads to him saying if he jumps into them, he can wear them. i'm sitting on the couch laughing because that is IMPOSSIBLE, he's a big dude etc. etc. all the reasons i think it can't be done. he tells me the method he will use is squatting in mid air, like he is sitting to put them on. he jumps into them on the first try. i wish i had a video. i seriously could not stop laughing. it was awesome.

you know, just another sample of a quiet night in jensen/beal household.

posted this on myspace a few weeks ago.

but i do have a few other crazy stories to share as i venture back into livejournal land.

a few weeks ago, on trash day morning, eric is putting out the trash and getting ready to drive me to the train. this crazy old neighbor lady is walking by and starts yelling at us for putting out our trash saying they took our side of the street alreay and that we can't just leave the trash sit there all day. eric gets in the car (hes like still half asleep), i get out and try to calm her down. "he's just taking me to the train, he can move the cans when he comes back but i'm going to be late to work". she is not having it and she stood in front of our car in the middle of the street until eric moved it.

port richmond people are soo trashy. you can go out in your worst outfit ever and still look decent compared to some of these scumballs.

another random event i would like to inform the world about:

a few weeks ago i was down the shore in avalon at this awful club place, the princeton. i really hate going but we know a lot of people that go there so i just take it for the team. so a few of us are hanging out and it starts to get crowded. this group of girls takes up next to us at the bar who are wasted. than this one girl just starts pushing me and one of the other girls with us around. hitting us on purpose with her bag, stepping on our toes etc. this guy comes up to me and spills a drink on me because of this obnoxious girl hitting him (he apologized). she continues to keep hitting me and i just look at her and say "if you hit me one more time, i will punch you". she just looked at me and said "i'll move because you're scary" and i said "ok bye" and waved. she didn't move and brought over her man friend who also started bumping into me on purpose and at that point eric started freaking out and i just made us move.

regardless of her bitchiness, her boob was hanging out. i love fashion, but this was not cute. she had on a one shoulder dress but it was too big for her and hung too low exposing her whole boob. so she just popped on a black bra and went for the whole boob hanging out chic thing. it was just wrong! WRONG.

my life has been sort of crazy lately. lots of things have been going awfully wrong. we had problems with our house (sewer backed up into the front tenants basement, power issues), my uncle bob in south carolina has cancer, brian (my cousin moved back in with my parents) and i am pretty sure he has a man crush on eric, work at uarts has been crazy with all the changes and the restructuring of our department.

all of work makes me completely nervous everyday. your chances are not good if they fire your whole department and only keep you, the admin assistant. you are pretty much completely replaceable and retrainable. so far the new people like me, i think. it has only been 3 days. damn, it was so much more awesome when we were left to our own devices in the office. justine (the old grad assistant) and i were completely running everything. i did dorm damage deposit refunds which i am so totally not allowed to do, but rocked it out anyway.

my summer staff this year rocks, i love the whole bunch (well i love/hate E.I. its like the school year ended and his brain completely turned off and if i say i don't want to talk on the phone stop trying to get me to answer questions or ask me questions. what part of just take a message don't you understand!!!????) no one is comparable to my grace yet though, res life superstar forever!

the summer drama with students has slowly been unfolding. most of you who read this have gone to college, you know what goes on, but everyday i am completely shocked and appalled by the behavior exhibited by students who are supposed to be mature adults. and forget the parents, they are ten times worse. i actually had a women argue with me about dorm assignments. her: "i know your giving them out over the phone". me: "i work here and i'm sure we aren't" her: "yes you are". me:"ok, well you said your student had multiple disabilities and it might effect his dorming status. we should work on getting that paperwork together because it is important and address those needs" her: "i never said he had multiple disabilties" after she had just told me she needed to know her student's assignment because he needs certain accomodations for his DISABILITIES. me: "okay.....: her: "yeah okay, i'm not giving you any information you need until i get information". WTF! just impede and prevent your student from having an enjoyable dorm life experience I DONT give a shit. i just transfer to my boss at that point.

let me put this out there now and shatter your fantasies, there is no meal plan, we don't have maids, and yeah your sweet little girl can have a dude fuck her in her room anytime she wants and you have no power over it. sorry but she was a slut anyway. and the beds are regular size twin.

ok i will stop droning on about work now.

i am making art again after more than a year break. it was much needed, feeling much more inspired. i am taking ceramics at uarts in a continuing ed class. going to take some more classes next time too. made this huge scary looking piece out of 75 pounds of clay. it takes 3 people to move. it looks like a big piece of coral. now i am making a tea set that looks as though it is constructed from spaghetti. i'm using porcelain which is new and different for me. we might learn throwing but i don't have a desire. i like handbuilding.

i really really really want to take sewing at moore. i need patternmaking in my life, and leatherworking. also wouldn't mind couture sewing. $600 a class is so expensive when you have to pay for it, unlike what i take at uarts is free because it is part of my staff benefits.
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