This post includes a detailed explanation how to use a layout and it's also the place where you can ask question if problems regarding the layout occur.
{ How to Install:
#Download the rar-file from mediafire
{ not necessary for the layouts from post 014! #Open the .doc-file and enter the images (mostly header and wallpaper)
Good hosts are either and }
#Go to "
Select journal Style". The layouts I make usually are for the "Flexible Squares" styles, so enter this name in the searching bar and click "Apply Theme". This link will change to "customize".
Before you click on it, scroll down and select "Ad Placement: Horizontal" and "2 Column (sidebar on right)".Now scroll up again and click on "customize". It will lead you to
Customize Journal Style". Click on "
Custom CSS" and change all settings to "no". Enter the CSS code in the text box and click "Save Changes".
#If you choose a layout without a sidebar go now to the
Sidebar-section. It's important to switch all options to "no". If you don't do this, the layout will look odd. "Save changes" & ...
{ Questions:
001: The advertisment is in the sidebar, how do I remove it?
# go to
Select journal Style and switch the "Ad Placement:" option to "Horizontal". Now it will be over the header!
002: The header won't show up? How does this come?
# Try uploading on, it most likely work then!
003: I chose a layout without sidebar but it looks
weird, what should I do?
#Go to the
Sidebar-section and change all options to "no" and it will look normal.
Feel free to ask further questions regarding the use of layouts here♥
I will re-post them here and they'll may be help for others in the future as well :3