(no subject)

Aug 27, 2011 21:47

La la la. Um. Life is up and down. But today has been pretty nice! Rather calm, mostly. Well, my mother had to go into work today so I slept for... fourteen hours? after taking Benadryl to fall asleep even with the worst cramps ever. I am feeling much better now. I finished Geek Love this afternoon, after not finishing a book for seventeen days (aghhh)! I really enjoyed it, as a whole. Parts of it left me yelling, "WHAT? I can't believe that HAPPENED" but her writing was really lovely and the story was definitely engaging. I have mixed feelings about the ending -- and I'll try to say this non-spoilerishly -- it felt rather deus ex machina, but perhaps it was the only way to end a novel that had included all of that?

Anyway, last night my mom and I ended up not going to see Chelsea Girls after all. We had lunch at Panera and then went to the exhibit, but it ended up being a lot smaller than we expected -- a room of paintings/screenprints with a smaller room filled with the Silver Clouds, another room of black-and-white Polaroids, and a DVD playing some of the Screen Tests. So it took us about three hours to look at everything (including going to the gift shop where I bought Warhol stationery), and then we decided we didn't want to hang around for another four hours just waiting for the film to begin, so we... spent the money we would have spent at the film on books at the used bookstore; I bought In Cold Blood, The Bell Jar, The Collected Stories of Amy Hempel, Berryman on Shakespeare, and a really gorgeous edition of Long Day's Journey Into Night. I will probably start In Cold Blood tomorrow.

And tonight we watched Doctor Who! SO EXCITED.
Not totally sure how I felt about it? I liked it, I suppose, but it wasn't as incredible as I was expecting. AT LEAST NEXT WEEK LOOKS TERRIFYING. I liked the twist with River being Mels ("you named your daughter after your daughter", HAHAH) and River stealing Nazis' clothing? Um. (Especially since she is apparently stealing the men's clothing as well.) OH RIVER. All in all, it was a bit cliché, but there's nothing wrong with a good time-travel Doctory romp once in awhile. (Although I wonder how Hitler ever got out of the cupboard.)

Annnd my thoughts on DW have been officially interrupted by awoken linking me to a BBC trailer with NEW SHERLOCK FOOTAGE.

EDIT: BUT ALSO I realized today that I am really ready to go back to college. This is a good thing, because I do so a week from today, and I've been feeling... less-than-ready for awhile. But I miss my friends/having a social life/having a schedule/actually learning things. So.

EDIT 2: AHHH UM emo_raindrop and fitz_clementine will be the only ones who care about this but ROMAN HENRY DARNIELLE was born on Friday. I am possibly way too excited about semi-celebrities' children, but. He will be the best baby ever.

freakin' out on mountain goats, literature, sherlock deserves a tag, summer life, doctor who

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