Fic: Teagan's Chance: Seduction

May 06, 2010 21:19

Title: Teagan’s Chance: Seduction
Author: SignCherie
Rating: M, very M, and therefore NSFW
Pairing: Teagan/f!Mahariel
Warnings: AO for smut, the consensual between adults kind
Summary: Now that the Blight is over, Bann Teagan has seized his chance--and he and River Mahariel are falling in love. Alistair is king, married to Anora, and secretly in love with his Chancellor and best friend, River.

It had been nearly a month since Teagan left the palace and returned to Rainesfere, and he was going crazy.

He’d never had so much impatience dealing with the day to day matters of ruling a Bannorn, and he knew what the cause was. He couldn’t get his mind off of River Mahariel: Grey Warden, Hero of Fereldan, King’s Chancellor, and love of Teagan’s life.

He’d stayed on at the palace in Denerim for two weeks longer than he should have, because he couldn’t bring himself to leave her. They’d both been very busy--River especially--but they made sure to make time to spend together every evening: sitting together before the hearth in the library, or sneaking down to the kitchens for dessert. It was all innocent, of course. Well, mostly innocent. River’s kisses could set Teagan on fire.

Finally, his duties at Rainesfere had become too considerable to ignore any longer, and they had parted reluctantly, with Teagan promising to return as soon as he was able. Teagan wrote River a letter every night he was away from her.

It had been a particularly stressful day. Teagan sat down in his study to write to his love.

My dearest River,

Every day that I am away from you seems longer than the next. I can hardly believe it is only a month since we parted. It feels more like several years.

I shall not bore you again with an account of my day to day affairs. Suffice it to say that nothing has changed since yesterday. I hope that I may soon have opportunity to return to Denerim, and to your side.

Have I told you, my lady, the moment I first fell in love with you? It was--

A knock on the door interrupted Teagan’s line of thought. With an exasperated sigh, he set down his pen. “Yes, what is it?”

A servant opened the door and curtseyed. “Ser, you have a visitor, just arrived. She insists upon--”

A slightly annoyed female voice from the corridor behind her interrupted. “No, I have no desire to change my garb before I see the Bann. I’m certain he’ll want to see me as soon as possible. Now, will you please...”

As soon as he heard her voice, he was moving. The startled servant stepped aside as he barrelled past her out the door.

There she was, standing just down the hall, wearing her Warden Commander armor and arguing with his butler. Teagan broke into a run. River looked up just in time to be swept up into his arms, armor and all.

He knew his servants were gaping at him and he didn’t care. He clutched his beautiful Warden tighter against his chest and pressed his lips to her hair.

She laughed. “I guess you’re happy to see me.”

He didn’t dignify that with an answer. Instead he asked. “How in Andraste’s name did you get away?”

“Are you kidding? I’m practically running the place. I gave myself a vacation.”

He laughed at her easy dismissal.

“Teagan...are you going to let me go anytime soon?”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

She smacked him lightly on the shoulder.

He let out an exaggerated sigh. “Very well, then.” He loosened his grip, but didn’t release her completely.

“That’s better,” she said. “I can see your face now.” She reached up and touched his cheek.

Without taking his eyes from River’s face, Teagan addressed his butler. “Roderick, this ‘battle-scarred Dalish warrior’”--he used River’s favorite description of herself--”is River Mahariel, the Hero of Fereldan.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Roderick’s eyes widen in awe, and he smirked inwardly. “You will prepare a guest room for her?”

“Of course, ser. The best quarters are already being made ready for our Hero.” Roderick bowed deeply. Much more deeply than he ever did for Teagan alone, he noted wryly.

Teagan turned his attention back to River. “Are you tired? Would you like to turn in for the night?”

She shook her head. “I’m tired, yes, but I want to see you, for a few hours at least.”

He smiled. “I was hoping you’d say that. Would you like to...” he trailed off, reluctant to repeat Roderick’s offer of a change of clothing after having heard her response the first time.

She must have read his mind, because she answered with a chuckle. “Yes, Teagan, now that I’ve seen you, I wouldn’t mind changing into something more comfortable. Perhaps I should meet you in the library in a half hour?”

He raised her hand to his lips. “I shall count the seconds.”

River was the only woman in the world who could make a plain tunic and breeches look so tantalizing.

At times like this, Teagan thought he could just sit and talk with her forever, but the library fire was dwindling and he knew they would soon need to turn in for the evening.

“Do you know what I was doing just when you showed up?” Teagan said.

“No, what were you doing?”

“I was writing you a letter.”

She grinned. “Is that so? And what were you writing?”

“I was about to write about the moment I fell in love with you.”

River grew serious.

“It was up on that hilltop, outside Castle Redcliffe. Near the windmill, do you remember? Isolde came out of the castle and begged me to return with her, and you weren’t going to let me.” He laughed. “I can still see the look on your face.”

“I remember,” said River.

“I told you that if it came down to it, you needed to save Eamon. That the rest of us were expendable.”

River narrowed her eyes. “I remember that, too.”

“I’ll never forget the way you looked at me. Like you were angry with me for suggesting my life wasn’t important.”

“I was angry,” River interjected.

“Well. I’d never seen such determination before.” He smiled. “I have since, of course. But do you remember what you said?”

“Not exactly, no.”

“You said you weren’t going to let any of us die. You would rescue us all. You promised.”


“And I believed you. You were going to save us all. You wouldn’t accept anything less. It was at that moment that I fell in love with you.”

River regarded him, studying his expression.

Teagan frowned. “Is something wrong?”

“Not wrong. That’s the first time you’ve ever told me that you loved me.”

Teagan’s heart thumped. “Surely not. I’ve said it before, haven’t I?”

River shook her head.

Teagan leaned forward and took her hand. “River,” he said, “I’m in love with you.”

She gazed at him for a moment longer, as if searching his face for some kind of answer. Slowly, she took his face in his hands and leaned in to kiss him.

Teagan responded immediately, pulling her closer, savoring the taste and feel of her lips on his.

It quickly became clear that this kiss was less innocent than others they’d shared. River teased him with light, feathery kisses that drove him wild. He tried to capture her mouth with his, but she moved to his neck, nibbling and biting. Her hands slid over the planes of his chest.

Teagan drew in a sharp breath. “We should stop.”

River’s tongue traced the length of his ear. “Why?” she breathed.

“It’s too soon...”

“Why?” River pulled back to look in his eyes. “What are we waiting for, Teagan?”

Teagan touched her face. “I want it to be right...”

“It is right.” River returned to nuzzling his ear.

Teagan was rapidly losing all semblance of coherent thought. River’s lips were doing wondrous things along his jawline. Her hands trailed lower, lower...they fumbled at the laces of his breeches....

“Someone could come in.” Teagan’s voice was strained.

“No one will come in.”

This wasn’t right. Their first time together wasn’t supposed to be a hurried tumble in the library. There should be candles, flowers, champagne. He wanted to do that for her.

But he was fast losing his resolve.


“Why?” Again, she pulled back, but this time, there was vulnerability in her eyes. “Why, Teagan?”

“This isn’t how I planned it. I wanted to make it special for you....”

She silenced him with a finger on his lips. “It’s special because it’s you. I don’t need anything else. I want you, Teagan. Please.”

He hesitated. “Are you sure, River?”

In response, she touched her lips to his.

Teagan gave up all resistance, gathering her up in his arms. His kiss was hungry, demanding, as if he would devour her.

River returned the kiss with equal passion.

His hands slid under her tunic, and he groaned when he discovered the skin of her breasts, uncovered by smallclothes. In one deft movement, he slid her tunic over her head.

Maker’s breath, she was beautiful. There were no words.

Teagan laid her gently back on the sofa, lowering his head to one breast. River gasped as his lips touched her skin. His tongue gently laved her nipple.


He took his time, savoring the salty taste of her skin, the way her breath heaved beneath him. Slowly he moved to the other breast, sucking and nibbling. His hand covered the abandoned breast, massaging gently.

“By the Creators...Teagan...”

His other hand trailed slowly down her stomach. River squirmed beneath him, trying to get him to speed up, but Teagan wouldn’t be rushed. Inch by torturous inch, his fingers traced a line down her belly, hesitating just above her breeches.

He looked up at her face.

She was flushed, and her eyes were feverish with desire. She met his gaze and whispered one word. “Please.”

His fingers slipped into her breeches, under her smallclothes.

Instantly, her back arched in pleasure. Teagan watched her as he touched her, basking in her reactions. Her body trembled and her breath came increasingly quickly.

It was the most breathtaking thing he’d ever seen.

But he wasn’t done yet.

With a tug, Teagan pulled her breeches and smallclothes out of his way. His lips and tongue replaced his fingers, and River moaned loudly. Her body was shuddering in earnest now. Her hands reached down and tangled her fingers in his hair.

Please, thought Teagan. I want it.

As if on cue, River’s whole frame tensed and she cried out. Teagan only sped up what he was doing, watching her as she thrashed on the sofa, gasping in pleasure. Only when the fingers entwined in his hair began to push him away did he slowly lift his head.

River sat up, pulling him to her, and claimed his mouth savagely. The evidence of his desire pressed against her, and she moaned.

“Now,” River pleaded. “Teagan, now.”

He didn’t need to be asked twice.

River’s deft fingers made short work of the buttons of his shirt. She trailed kisses across his chest, driving him absolutely mad, while she tugged at the laces of his trousers. In a short minute, they were gone, too. River straddled him, her arms around his neck.

“Are you sure?” Teagan murmured, kissing her everywhere he could reach. “River, are you sure?”

In answer, she reached down and took hold of him, guiding him toward her. “I’m sure,” she said.

Teagan slid into her, and River drew in her breath.

Maker’s blood.

She was hot and slick. The world receded until there was nothing left but the two of them and the pleasure that held them. His hands roamed over her body, as if trying to memorize her every curve. River writhed against his touch.

Slow, Teagan told himself, fighting the nearly irresistible urge to spend himself inside her here and now. Take it slow. For her.

River was having none of that. With a groan of complaint, she tilted his head back so she could more easily access his lips with her own. As his hand slid up to cup a breast, she began moving atop him, taking her pleasure from his body.

“River,” he gasped. He wanted to tell her to slow down, but he was swept up in the sensations coursing through his body. Her skin felt so soft, and her lips were sweet. The smell of her lilac perfume tantalized him. Her entire body caressed him as she slid up and down his length. He was beyond the point where slowing down was an option.

As Teagan drew his lips down to her breasts, River cried out, throwing her head back. Her muscles clenched around him, and her entire body went taut.

It was too much. With a moan, Teagan exploded inside her. Ecstasy flooded through his body, pulsing, throbbing. He grasped River closer and succumbed to the madness overtaking him.

When it was done, they collapsed back on the sofa, River on top of Teagan. Teagan was certain there were no bones left in his body. He couldn’t have moved a muscle if he tried.

With an effort, River lifted her head just enough to look Teagan in the eyes. She traced one finger along his jaw.

“I love you, too,” she said.

nsfw, dragon age: origins

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