What I wrote to Christian

Jun 14, 2004 23:05

This is what I wrote to Christian when responding to his troubles with a crazy documentary:( http://www.livejournal.com/users/posttrainwreck/4219.html ) and what I believe needs to be known.

Christian, I think in the future a very simple point to bring up is that Christ never once in christian writings ever employed scare tactics. Never. NEVER. I emphasize it only because if nothing else is consistent within the Gospels it is that the style with which Chist touched the lives of Jews from all walks of life was through a self and life affirming message of hope and love. That is hands-down the most poigniant, effective and durable process to relate and pass on any kind of spiritual change, enlightenment or development. When Jesus spoke about being anxious and worrying he did not illustrate his example with a bleak contrast of frustration and torment, he instead drew from positive affirming examples like the birds of the air and said:

"Look at the birds of the air;
they do not sow or reap or store
away in barns, and yet your
heavenly Father feeds them. Are
you not much more valuable than
they? Who of you by worrying can
add a single hour to his life."
-Matthew 6:26-27 (NIV)

My only point is this, by presenting Christ's message in the manner of Hell House or Chick comics, you create the same effect of walking up to a potential employer and handing him/her an amazing resume after having you and all of your friends wipe it from the top of their buttcheeks, across their dirty, bloody assholes, sweaty choads, and salty nuts, and then using it to clean off their semen coated cocks pulled fresh from the guy in front of them. And also putting an extra "I" in typing.

With the love of a brother,
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