Jeff: Yeah. Now she looks like exactly every other cheap ho in america, she might as well be wearing a fucking chador.
Me: Or a soho poncho.
Me: Did I ever tell you about "The Soho Poncho Effect"?
Jeff: No.
Jeff: Jesus christ these pictures are pathetic.
Jeff: So with no evacuation, let California fall into the fucking ocean and the whole goddamn east coast too.
Me: Here's the thing.
Me: So, SoHo is basically a section of Manhattan where all of America's trends come from and are slowly passed down and in about five years end up in Walmart, whatever.
Me: the point is that when I was in Michigan with Andie. We were visiting her parents and ended up watching some television and there was this Target commercial for "The SoHo poncho"
Jeff: heheheh
Me: Basically Target decided to cut the manufacturer of pop fashion out of the picture and create an ugly ass, piece of shit article of clothing for the masses.
Me: The thing was that about a week later, we were actually in SoHo, walking around, (pretty fucking disgusted I might add) and low-and-behold there was not a single Poncho of any "-ho" in sight.
Jeff: heheheheh
Me: This by the way is a soho poncho: heheheheh
Jeff: Pretty similar to the color scheme used on my old house when it was being built... around 1980.
Me: Now here's the funny thing, after realizing that "The SoHo Poncho" was a production of Target and after returning to Portland I caught a look at people magazine sometime this summer.
Me: heheh
Me: And paris fucking hilton, queen of SoHo fashion was donning none other than the "SoHo Mother Fucking Poncho".
Me: I took this as a sign: In ten years Walmart will indeed be the mecca for world culture.