the only survey i have ever done..

Oct 14, 2005 04:25

just for no reason ...i can be spontaneous..and do these stupid "internet" boredom things...but really...i gotta go play some video games and masterbate cause'll probably be more productive than this stupid survey...
////begin stupid survey
In the last 24 Hours have you...

1. Had sex: hmm..with my bad ass sexy self??? .

2. Bought something: yes. beer, food and smokes..(for those broke ass fuckers as well).

3. Gotten sick: ahm...vitamin C to the rescue???

4. Sang: No..

5. Been kissed: i dont think so

8. Talked to an ex:

9. Missed someone: always...

Last person who....

10. Slept in your bed: i know it wasnt me..i sleep on the floor.its safer..

11. Saw you cry: my mom..i think..

12. Made you cry: my self.

13. You last saw: sercan the knight of the plush hexagon table.

14. You went to the mall with: only to burn the fucker down!!!!!!!!!!


Have You Ever...

15. Said "I Love You" and meant it: emotions are crappy chemicals that just don't get you high.

16. Got in a fight with your pet: thats a stupid question

17. Been to California: if only we had that BIG quake...get rid of them socal fuckers...

18. Been to Mexico: nope

19. Been to Canada: hell yeah..they're the good friends north of the border..
with great beer and friendly folks everywhere..except when you pay for smokes..then you get charged an arm and a leg...but you do get a nice picture of a diseased lung on your pack.

20. Been to Europe: Deutchland uberales!!! beer = good.. hell fuckin yeah


21. Do you have a crush on someone: yes and once again horrible stupid question

22. What book are you reading now: a stack of 6 books....and yes i do read all of them at the same time... i'm a genius what do you expect?

23. Worst feeling in the world: shot in the stomach (spelling??) and left to die on your own in the middle of nowhere..../me shivers....argh

24. Future KIDS names: girl>> Devina ..only cause sexy genes deserve a sexy name..

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed Animal: i sleep with a gun under my pillow.

27. Favorite sports to watch: Hockey and soccer

28. Location: in the hell hole that is the south bay..

29. Piercing/Tattoos: shiva watches my back big time..

30. What are you most scared of right now: myself

31.Where do you want to get married: vegas baby...(cocaine not included)

32. Who do you really hate: stupid people, television and that other part of myself that relates to those other crappy/stupid things

33. Do you have a job: HAHAHAHA

34. Do you like being around people: the good ones.

35. Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with: I'm too sexy for them

36. Have you ever cried: Yes

37. Are you lonely right now: I'M here..that counts for like 5 people.

38. Song that's stuck in your head right now: the sounds of me killing the idiot who composed this survey symphony.

39. Played strip poker: of course

40. Gotten beaten up: yeah..and what do you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?

41. Done an all-nighter: just ONE night???? weak question !

42. Been on radio/TV: I just spun on santa cruz college radio...i was late..

43. Been in a mosh-pit: many of a time..Nile/Napalm Death one..learn not to wear a sweat shirt and have your back to the pit....

44. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: yes

45. Was this worth your time: thats a horrible justification question to make the survey composer feel like the internet is real and people care about him/her...and guess what we DON"T give a fuck ..were just bored...and/or intoxicated... so SHUT THE FUCK UP with your crappy questions...!

///end stupid survey
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