Last night I pinpointed the exact moment the movie industry, nay, Western Culture as a whole hit rock bottom: July 15th, 1983 with the release of Staying Alive.
Howard the Duck! Friends and I were just talking about renting that the other night. In truth, I am an aficionado of Good Bad. I like exploitation bad; retro bad; fabulously bad; extraordinarily bad bad; even occasionally contemporary bad - I did, after all, watch Lindsay Lohan's I Know Who Killed Me (which should give you hope about the state of bad movies today). Maybe the problem is just that Staying Alive was a wholly new kind of bad which requires its own category. I'm starting to think this might be the case, especially given the revelation I had about it (see my previous reply to sinsense).
Re: Travolta's crotch.
Do you mean it's akin to this?
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