Logs for Jan 3 to Jan 29
These are not in chronological order, because I got laze. :x Next round will be, promise!
Miriallia Arrives
&hearts Meets Riddick, hopes he’s a potential friend, gets threatened instead.
&hearts Becomes Fye’s ‘Mi-chan’
&hearts Meets Dante, learns people don’t stay dead
&hearts Decides to take pictures outside of flowers in winter wtf was I thinking?
&hearts -Has an awkward conversation with Komui
&hearts -Discusses peace and why people must fight with Yukino
&hearts Gets tricked into filling out the love meme, suddenly desperately hoping Dearka doesn’t show up.
&hearts Somehow manages to hold an almost!conversation with Itachi
&hearts Offers to help with the party
&hearts Discusses love with Mello while he has the ring
&hearts Meets Rika and they become sort-of friends
&hearts Signs up to teach a Photography class
&hearts Meets up Lavi and they discuss their worlds.
&hearts Meets Phoenix, discuss their matching results on the Historical Figures meme
&hearts Meets Phoenix again and they discuss classes among other things.
&hearts Does not approve of Dante picking on trees
&hearts Meets Morgan, slight Tolle!Angst ensues
&hearts Log of FUCKING EPIC with Hidan, they become friends.
&hearts Decides to figure out how developed space technology is.
&hearts -Meets/Teases Phoenix a little, they become bad!liar buddies.
&hearts -Scares Rika with a picture of Mobile Suits
&hearts -Meets Patchy, they become BFFs
&hearts Is still not too pleased with Riddick
&hearts Explains things to Jiraiya
&hearts Becomes Rika’s roommate, celebrates with ice cream
&hearts Meets Toboe, log of epic ensues (in progress, still)
&hearts Is encouraged to try pranking someone by Lavi
&hearts I doubt I got everything, but LJ fails me so hard sometimes x-x
ETA: Kay, so the links all add on an extra '
http://www.signal_lost.livejournal.com' to the beginning of things, however, it is not actually in the html, as can be seen:
Anyone a bit more HTML-smart than me know what's going on? 0.o Until I can figure things out, just taking the first bit out of the url bar will take you there. SORRY I FAIL SO HARD. DX
KAY FIXED. SEE KAITI? SEE KAITI FAIL. I knew I should've paid attention in my grade 9 computers class. DX