(no subject)

Jan 15, 2006 04:37

The letter is dated January 5, 1978, and postmarked January 6th.


It's over.

They came rising on Twelfth Night, both of them, but were held back. She wanted to escape by the greenhouse to the England of a girl she had enthralled, and raised ice and storm. But there are many who could help, and did, and she was prevented from it. Jack Green raised the Hunt, and so the Black Rider was harried across the forest and of little help to her.

And then, at the height of the gale, a house came falling on the wind, and fell on her.

The spell was broken, and most of what she had done broke with it, and the power of that cast her elsewhere. Beyond reach of the bar, certainly. The Black Rider had fled the Hunt, and so it is done.

No one took any great harm, though the girl she enchanted trusted her, and it is not an easy thing for her to know now who the Rider is and what her motives were. Mary Lennox, her name is. Everyone else is fine, so far as I have heard.


P.S. Yes, a house. With a girl named Dorothy Gale inside. I don't know either, nor Merriman -- none of us expected that. But it worked, and the White Rider is gone.

Written text gives no indication of the number of times Will had to stop and attempt to figure out how on earth to phrase things, which is probably just as well.
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